The Stroke Protocol
This protocol is for anybody that has gone through an ischemic or a hemorrhagic stroke. Whether they "run in your family" and you're looking to prevent one or a second one this stroke protocol is for you!
In this you'll learn...
- The 6 main risk factors & how to reverse them
- 2 tests you can take to tell exactly where you stand
- What causes weak blood vessels and exactly how to strengthen them
- 1 gooey herb (1 teaspoon per day) that can dramatically reduce your risk
- The top 7 most powerful nutrients to eliminate & prevent blood clots
- Dramatically reduce your risk of stroke & heart attack by doing this 4x per week
- Doing this twice per year can reduce your risk by 88%
- The top 8 nutrients to regrow brain cells
- What to do directly after a stroke
- How this sulfur based compound can be your biggest ally
- Where to get treatments
- How to find a natural doctor in your area
- and much much more!
When you learn all the proven remedies and prevention strategies, you'll never have to fear strokes ever again!
Whether you've had one or want to prevent one, the natural healing modalities outlined in this 22 page document can change your life!
Grab your copy today.