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WeirdCore TV Flower Head

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Looking for the perfect head to put on your weird core avatar??? Well here it is!  Rigged to Pandas Base 34,357 Vertices 66,999 Faces tris, 67,932
- Youre not allowed to leak or give this asset out to anyone
- You are not allowed to Use it on a Free/Public Avatar
- This asset is for personal/ commercial Avatars
- You are only allowed to commison an avatar with this head if you and the person have both bought the asset
- You Can Not Price Split this With Anyone Else 
- This is non - refundable due to the fact it is a digital sale
The one eye has a bone so it has movement you just need to make sure its mapped when you go into unity
Comes with
One Texture for the EyeBall
(everything else is a blank color)
Thank You - 3RR1S
You will get a ZIP (2MB) file

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