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Are You Serious About Making Real Change and Becoming The Man You & Others Look up to?

  • Are you tired of coasting through life?
  • Is your life out of balance? (success in 1 area, floundering in others)
  • Are you sick of feeling like your falling short of your potential?
  • Have you tried to commit yourself to your deepest desires, but fail to achieve the outcome you want, time and time again?
  • Are you fed up with following blurry blue prints to success?
  • Do you want to become a man that lives life true to his values?
  • Do you Genuinely want to be your strongest self?
  • Do you feel like you don't have the support or tools to achieve great things?
  • Are you seeking better direction?

These are all questions we are committed to helping the men of the SFR Community rectify.


Because these issues are plaguing our society, and harming what it means to be a strong, healthy, fit man, father and husband.

SFR Retreats Mission

We are living in a time where we are being told what to think, how to act and who to be, even when it defies logic or practicality.

This is leaving us weaker, less self-sufficient and disempowered. Our mission through the challenges and experiences we have put together for the men of the SFR Retreat is to give us back the intrinsic confidence and capabilities to live life on our own terms; to be the men we are proud to be, to possess characteristics that we admire in others and within ourselves. 

SFR retreats prides itself on being a community where you will not only develop mentally and physically but where you will be challenged to better handle obstacles and objections in your everyday life.

What You'll Experience

SFR Men’s retreat focuses on core elements of personal development and brings the roots back to what it is to be a renaissance man; a man with genuine competence in and understanding of multiple different fields, all of which compliment one another to make him a more talented and productive man. 

Through physical and mental challenges that will test the body and mind to new heights. From exhilarating group activities that will challenge the body and toughen the mind, to life-hacking workshops and motivational speaker(s), this weekend getaway promises to provide our community tangible tools, and life-changing experiences that will change how we think, act and perform in life.

To be clear, this single day retreat away from "traditional living" is in many ways designed to place you outside your comfort zone. We will be doing things that are designed to push you to your limits, while also providing you foundational tactics and practices, in which to build a strong life on.

Who is the SFR Retreats For?

Men who are seeking to become a stronger, fitter more resilient version of themselves. By embracing new SFR practices, skills and routines, you will enhance the quality of your life, ultimately becoming a stronger, more confident, capable version of yourself.

Where & When

Saturday April 19

6:00 am start time

Local (GTA) Location provided during group call weeks prior

Finish time: 4 pm

Physical challenge, breakfast, workshop, lunch (social)

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1 Time Payment


Deposit Plan - Reserved Spot

Brandon Rynka bio

Co-Founder Brandon Rynka - SFR Retreats

Brandon Rynka

Brandon Rynka is a Performance Athlete, Coach, Wellness Consultant and Fitness Writer, writing for publications like T-Nation and Inside Fitness Magazine. With over 17 years of training experience and over 8 years of coaching and advising in the fitness and wellness space, Brandon takes great pride in using his extensive knowledge and real world application to provide real results to his clients and community.

Brandon practices what he preaches as an athlete who has completed 3 record first strength and endurance projects, including the "Great Canadian Record Project" & "Canada's First Tree-athalon".

Brandon is also the owner of BR365 Strength Lab, a Strength & Conditioning gym in Dundas, Ontario.

"My goal is to guide men to become authentically strong, fit and resilient, so they can live life fulfilled, and on their own terms."

Co-Founder Jonathan C.

Husband. Father. Entrepreneur. Owner of One Life Design & Build

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1 Time Payment


Deposit Plan - Reserved Spot
