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A&G that Pair of Pliers The Funny side of the UK Nick

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AGENDA UK MI6 HM Prisons Population increase 

Humanity Priority Frequency intelligence of Communication through space Presentation A&G security services Pattaya HQ

Both A&G were sitting there knowing they were hated with a Passion looking at the Dossier they had been asked to prepare on the Contract proposal of the reduction of Inmates and Security Forces Contract sitting at Jaw dropping Trillion Pound Contract where the Minister Responsible and Top Ten MI5 / MI6 Operations Directors who sat in to witness the Test Mode at their Request just two Ex SAS generals Jobs for The Boys who wanted to pick holes and Laugh at those A&G Tossers from Pattaya was No way they would get a slice of this Contract they had their Plans to Divi up those lucrative spoils.  the fuller the better prisons they were only forced into letting them bid for the contract due to MP Cedric Trump and the Respect Party Claiming what they save on Prisons they Level up pensioners to a British Standard matter where you want to live or Die Retirement was your Freedom of Choice 

A&G Agenda Dress Code of Six Teflon hollow Rings kinda looked Trendy and fitted to both Ankles and Wrists, Waist and Neck their own A&G staff of Thai Ladies fitted so easily and very Politly for the demonstration The Plain dossier was Self Explanatory The Fun and Games would begin after the Short Film Presentation  “Shall we begin” Gaz said and their Rings turned on to a nice Lime Green hue so light you were not aware of wearing. while  the light was also mesmerising The Noticeable Factor Everyone remained perfectly calm from the boisterous waiting banter, let us begin Lights Please Al said as the Screen Began the Presentation of the future of  British Prison Services A&G Security Method

To Reduce Prison Population and Gain Rewards The A&G Method Contract Bid Tender self Explainatry Demonstrations 


The priority of the Human Mind to stay alive To Think

Priority of the Ears to listen for Danger

Priority for Eyes to Look for Danger

Priority of Nose-to-Smell Danger

Priority of Mouth Tell others about Danger

Priority of Touch Feel the Danger Heat and Cold

The Human Mind Priority combines all senses in an instant of Time

Human Ears  Listen for Sound Frequency that harms and inflicts pain

Human Eyes Look for the dangers of Wind Fire Storms and tempest 

The human Nose Smells the Danger in obnoxious odours to avoid

Human Mouth Sound Communication on Frequency levels from  Safe to screaming Danger

Human Touch warns of Heat or Cold dangers hidden from view

Frequency of the unspoken thoughts of each Human mind

Frequency is the life force of the DNA in all Human Beings' creation

Frequency the Traveller in Time of creation of all living things 

Frequency of  Knowledge and secret data of all recorded things

Frequency of the Controlled Human Mind can find all known data recorded in memory

The frequency of heart rate is essential to a life controlled by the mind.

Frequency of the Mind is the Ratio of Time in staying alive in its Communication while doing so they call the  God Factor Frequency 

Life Hackers can diversify the Frequency to gain by communication

Eliminating Humanity's problem of Lawlessness A&G 

 Get out of the free Rejuvenator system 

Was a Scouse Invention of Years ago as Rear Gunner on those Milk Carts The Voice on the Film made everyone Laugh we at A&G invented the Re Juvinator to assist with the Beautification of Humanity to give back The Life lost through hard work and now affordable for All of Mankind 

Having Studied The Human levels of Frequency we at A&G put together the Security system we are about to Unfold Due to the Highly Humanity sensitive range You all have agreed the participate in our Security your signatures will be required for the clearance Factor should your Report wishes A&G to Place in service within the lockdown Period of Three Working Days 

We Propose to issue the Six Ring Circus to all Inmates Free Retrial service no matter the Severity of the Inmates' Crime Gentlemen Your Initiation Begins the Six Rings had been in place for less the six minutes on those Seated 3rd Party Delegates of MI5/6 

Four Males and Four Females Operative at the highest security clearance level suddenly the Rings' colour changed to Sky Blue  Gaz said Now Ladies & Gentlemen Try to get up and rip off those Teflon rings Imagine we just made you The Prisoner and no matter how hard they tried could not move  

Then their Thai ladies came in with Fire Arms Weapons Money Diamonds Gold Bars all in bundles in front of each person 

Gaz instructed Please those are your gifts we want you to try to take with you alongside was a Hamburger and Coke on a tray please begin your efforts of taking now Try as they might their wrists with rings were Forced to be held by the Body waist ring the Feet Locked together through the Ankle ring  Bands, Within two Minutes each left-hand Ring colour changed back to lime Green and they were free to place it on the Table while They were told to pick up any object it was impossible and their only success was Hamburger and Coke Free to touch to eat or drink.

You are all witnesses To how The system works the fire arm Weapons in front of you are all Glocks fully armed we know each of you has had Training in those specific Hand Guns as part of your well-being we now would like you to try to shoot us both A&G we promise to pay you million pounds if you can carry out our execution  Please anytime you're ready and wearing the six rings which now has the disarm function Illuminated Red tinge appeared, but try as they might they all were held fast with no restraints only the six rings prevented serious crime as was explained each Prison would have a Master Control room the drone wasps eyes have visual inspections inside cells in Omnidirectional and zoom Facial recognition  camera with sounds However very rarely have any of the Six ring functions failed in years trial Ladies and  Gentlemen The Human Aura has been unused for Centuries as a Corrective tool for behaviour the insight into the creation of Basic Income Created by UK Revolt Caused Mass Euphoria in UK Population which led to anarchy on those streets arrests Riots outnumber and overwhelmed resources in cities up and down the Land Fueled with Half Million Implanted Refugees with their only education was to distroy the UK fabric of law and order foundation  

The Cause was not the Basic Income it was the lack of Proper Education for its use the A&G Educator will also prove to be an excellent choice for the under Eighteens I can assure you. 

We will continue to empty your Prisons with Our System 

We take all and full  Responsibility for the Whole society Mess we will clean it up and Those we cannot change sadly will Die from Brain haemorrhage so we have never failed our Trials Yet said Gaz and our USA Prisons Security were welcomed by the USA  President

Squeezing at their muscles to break rings all the Time the MI6 agents whose sole agenda is to ridicule A&G and any progress their minds telling them to break free never stop trying. Then  when the shit hit the Fan as the Thai Ladies came in and Stripped  them Naked  of all their possessions ID Cards wallets, Passports watch rings every personal Item logged even their tattoos  and how Big their Dicks and Tits stripped them Bare arse Naked in this Humiliation of this huge disgust in that degrades their tempers hit ballistic levels and Flared  up and the six rings colours changing to Dark Blue the Fury within their minds was at War with common sense  and That reality of being stripped naked in front of their peers James was Monitoring all Their heart rates  and warning mental humanity signals 

They put their possessions into nice plastic package boxes while they didn't speak a word yet their minds were ready to explode in temper the Glocks looked so easy to take and shoot all this wealth their Brains in Turmoil yet locked down Rules applied A&G were the Prime Target of Hate in this Room with Cedric the Mouthpiece  the intensity levels were going off the scale at the Controls Laboratory Room  James Gaz Son was watching every single Move his Games Master could override any malfunction and the old clock master who was doing the Monitoring just smiles to be a Part of History looking at The exposed Nudes and ladies Tits with a big Grin, 

The Speed of Human Emotions took those big Hits as without warning they all suddenly started to feel Calm and good about their situation their anger had suddenly disappeared, and they did not care a hoot about their nakedness or get a clue what their embarrassments were  

Those Rings were changing back to sky Blue it was a very uncanny feeling to know your brain was being Manipulated yet you felt so Good  Lesson one disarm the Mind of everybody's thoughts just control your own and let the God Factor kick into you alone are like Me it was implanted how it got there where it came from just took all of Twelve Minutes realignment of Frequency Rejuvenator Energy to produce with those Rings and Now they sat around completely Naked as babies  not a care in the World  A&G looked at each other still fully clothed as was all the Thai Staff  Dear God Cedric said to  Gaz what's Ever to be next. said Al Pal it's the Implementation Trip and Rehabilitation of crying minds of No Hope Times brings Fun back to the Nick once we can start in UK 

James hit his Control the Glocks Flipped up to the Ceiling along into  a collector chute  while those Ladies & Gentlemen  helped Put their Clothes Back on and those Ladies Removed the sky blue Rings and all the Table Wealth  no banter just open-mouthed as Goldfish at what they had been Through Vibrations Frequency and Harmony of Controls Realigned the first treatment was eerie yet like a drug reset 

They all wanted more of the euphoria they had felt and the new life Lesson of being free to do we have a deal Gaz looked not expecting a Reply yet Sir Ponsonby Smthye Agreed on behalf of the British Government Proceed on this Free Trial Please. all this was on a Recorded Video kept in Cedric's Pocket. 

London Prison System was Now in the A&G Jail Free ReJuvenator Program Their Breakfast with Three Thousand Inmates showed a different style Program where agreeing to wear those six rings their case histories would be reviewed every week and the printout with a new release date on renewals A&G Humanitarian Behaviour would eliminate years off their Sentences and they Guaranteed to put a bit of fun back into Prison Life in this Reformation

 Most took it just as a laugh experiment but liked the Idea of a chance of getting out early after all it's only six lightweight Teflon  rings what the Hell let's give Prison a new A&G Life span Rejuvenator Mr Cedric of the Respect party MP 

He has dished out  a lot of stick Big Al Scouser this is your idea of a Ring of Confidence your Pair of Daft Twats The Prison Banter went slowly quieter as the last prisoner's rings were fitted and then applied alarm set points when James hit the “on” controls armed in the TV screens Realignment Room 

The Ground Floor West wing held the Most Notorious Hardened Criminals in the UK putting rings on those Guys was  going to be Fun yet they all agreed after all they could rip the things off 

Within twenty-four hours Order Uniformity Friendly Banter kind behaviour never seen before was walking around Happy and Productive the Twenty four Hours Truth Lunch was about to get the first real test there's a difference in not knowing the Truth  even for the Prisoner it's in the Depth of their Mindset 

Was Shit Ten Bricks How the Hell did we fall for this Shit to extreme Levels of Disbelief  Yet this was the utmost Prisoners Test that Cedric explain about the A&G system Lockdown Sky Blue James activated those hidden transponder units  in the Mess Room ceilings every unit worked the First reaction was wanting to kill A&G Pair of Bastards for being duped yet it got worse as their efforts to stand up and get their hands free drove them demented they were forced to sit down not move this was how any Caged animal feels their Brain was filling in those blank thoughts of Growl attack Kill Program to a new stage of Bewilderment of a Child just shit their pants and end up  in a Sweetshop trying to choose which Candy to buy those Thoughts Brainwashing over the evil natured Human survival Mind

Twelve minutes the laughing started  as James controlled their Party Tricks to the Dancing Beat of the Thriller off and On Left Hand Coordination of the six ringed Circus in his Choreography of hand Manipulation Movements this sight did look Hilarious  and the Playback on the Screens had them Rolling in stitches laughing taken the Piss out of each other's movements to the Tune 

They had the First Hit of Happiness   not feeling they were in a Prison Cell

There was an element of Doubt with the Wardens who had a tough time getting to terms of the A&G Contract those Bad elements of being a Prison Warden Being spat on Pissed on Shit on Bitten on attacked with homemade knives Bats Balls of steel abusive Language the Norm in one week all this had gone the whole Prison was like a Hotel and so Creative with The Food Menu their work seemed harder than the Prisoners Happ Whistles and singing lives some would have loved to change places as the outside world was starting to go Crazy the drive home witnessed Crimes Daily London was going Mental Cedric was Taken Notes for his Speech.


A&G Truth system cured everyone within a week but after a Month you are a Saint  there is Nothing you won't do to help your fellow Man or Mankind with the Truth and Knowledge of the God Factor this ping sound moved to enlighten the Soul From the Coccyx Sacrum  Bone to Open the Pineal gland Hello Creator factor   

Some Tough Nuts did crack under the Real Facts and some did Brain Haemorrhages that were out of their control Factor of living with a Demon for far too long was the self district when inner forces cannot be manipulated the Demon finds pleasure in Sacrificing its Host just a few you counted, on one hand, 

The Panel of those In Charge of Release saw that a Month of living with only one  Wristband was a Sufficient Guarantee quarantine Period those Tri colour bands of Red White and Blue were as Symbolic to the Wearer as life itself the feeling of euphoria alive in their Worlds Mind  There was never any Prisons the Past had Disappeared the Hate the Beatings Stealings or Rape every bitter memory was realigned to the God Factor frequency The Hardest Part in all of this  the Once Hardest Man or Woman on the Block went face to face with those what did not have any treatment, not a clue of no God A&G factor Rejuvenator program of Course Defence was allowed to any Extreme level those Clowns had never seen the Likes of a Defensive Frequency force Gadzooks Yikes those screams 

Yes, of course, the Wasp Drones watched, The ever-present sting would only be used to put the Prisoner who Violence beat the system to sleep  recorded and Helped the Rehabilitated escape harm  in ways of High-speed distractions in a Fart at the passing speed of a wasp with enough gas smell to Blame an Army of flame-throwing Fart Droppers would stop aggression in a Blink of Eye with the Sensory glands Programmed to get the Hell out of there or Run Like hell second chances

Their minds are reprogrammed to know the Bigger differences between Black and white choices, the Macho Man and the Street Gang are too ready to turn back the clock if nothing worth it is all the same shit attitudes

Well A&G God Frequency says no and Plays a Different Tune on your soul  Bro  

Yet the Overall Picture  the system was working and now all those Confiscations those Prisoners Had were corrected in their enterprises of Joining the Classes of Rouges on Stock exchanges Worldwide Rules  Each allotted the Five Pound a week Pay advance to Three Thousand 

Was after all a Sizable Pot Times Five to start the Big Wigs of Truth were now in their element to Recompense Victims getting Valuations in Time inside That stolen Ming Vase at Two hundred Thousand Pounds was easy to Obtain on the Prison Stock exchange, of course, some Crimes had no Happy endings Peodophilier ended with the course in ReJuvenator just pray your past will not catch up to your life in the Revengeful way.

Those Warders were Now on Triple Pay as A&G ReJuvenator Controllers yet release dates were thick and Fast and admissions slowing Cedric was Heading to Be the Next British Prime Minister in their Books he was there, ACE MAN  of Respect Party 

The HQ Security Team had Trained all Those Wardens who were now Hopeful of a Job in Thailand

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