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Understanding a Child's World: Looking Deeper into the 'Language of Maths.'

Are you a leader in the Early Years and would like to develop your team's knowledge of Maths? Or maybe you are looking at developing your own knwoledge in this area of learning.

I will be sharing the concept of what 'Maths' means in the Early Years and how to develop an environment that supports children to learn different maths skills through play.

We will also be looking at how you and/ or your team can observe children to gain an understanding of their 'language of maths.'

Our Workshop will be available from December. Once you have purchased the Workshop there will be no expiry date to enable to you to rewatch or share it with your team and new members of staff.

Who is this course for?

This course is for Early Years Practitioners, Teachers or Childminders that would like to develop their knowledge of understanding chidren's maths skills and how to create the perfect environments to develop their knowledge further.

It is also for Early Years owners / Managers and Team Leaders who wants to develop the observation skills of their staff members, so that they can recognise the 'langugae of maths' within the children.

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Looking Deeper into the Children's 'Language of Maths'
