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Dementia Workshop Series

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Garuth Chalfont, PhD has dedicated the last 30 years to improving connection to nature for people with dementia in care environments. As a health researcher he is now committed to teaching people how to stay healthy and dementia-free, and possibly avoid long-term care. The goal of Dementia Pioneers is to reduce the symptoms known as dementia by raising awareness about the root causes, teaching people to identify what factors are involved and empowering people to address them. By understanding what is causing a person’s dementia, many people are now preventing further decline and some are even recovering lost abilities.


This webinar series will address over 30 factors known to contribute to dementia. You will understand what these factors are, how they impact cognition and how to address them.


There are 4 one-hour sessions and each looks at various factors:



1 - Detox, Emotion & Trauma and Infections Workshop

2 - Nature, Light, Movement and Grounding Workshop

3 - Sleep, Breathing, Breathwork and Meditation Workshop

4 - Nutrition, Gut-Brain Connection and the Vagus Nerve


Due to the content and work that has gone into these, we are suggesting a donation

of £10 for access to all four of the workshops. Any donations will be divided equally between both not for

profit organisations - the People's Health Alliance and The Dementia Pioneers. 


As both PHA and The Dementia Pioneers believe in access for all, we encourage

people to pay what they can afford if unable to pay the full suggested donation

amount of £10

You will get the following files:
  • MP4 (643MB)
  • MP4 (1GB)
  • MP4 (190MB)
  • MP4 (204MB)