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Free Webinar: Improve Your Team Culture Under Stress by Increasing Focus and Attention

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How do you decide what you should focus on when there’s always more work than you can do and never enough time to do it in?

How do you say yes to the tasks that matter to you and find a way to say no to the ones that don’t?

In the flood of demands that you face in a day, having a way through to clarity is one of the most important skills you can learn.

In this webinar you will:

  • Gain clarity around what matters to you
  • Develop your ability to focus on what matters
  • Understand the role of dopamine in motivation and focus
  • Learn strategies to train your focus successfully
  • Gain 3 tools to improve focus, attention and engagement

Learn more about focus and attention here.

You will get a MP4 (2GB) file