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Attract Your Soulmate (CD/Audio) - A Powerful Meditation, True Fairy Tale Love Story and Soulmate Mini Course

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This audio/CD will help you to accelerate the manifestation process and bring your soulmate into your life quicker, easier and with more joy than ever before! Why wait any longer? Try it today!


There are three sections to my Attract Your Soulmate album;

💖1) A powerful soulmate meditation (in fact, the same one that I used to attract my soulmate to me that ended up in us marrying each other in record speed (only 4 months!)

💖2) My true fairy tale love story about how I met and manifested my soulmate, Julian, within 9 months and then married him swiftly after only 4 months, along with all the synchronicites and magic surrounding our encounter (by the way we have now been married for over 20 delicious and adventurous years)

💖3) A mini course where you'll get a taster of my main soulmate course that will be available for you in the future. This mini version includes some of the affirmations, tips, tools and important questions that you need to ask yourself in order to create a clear path for your soulmate to walk through...straight to you and your loving arms! I even share with you the one, most powerfully magical affirmation that I believe was the one to manifest my Soulmate to me in such a MAGICAL, BLISSFUL and FAST way! If you want to know what it is and use it for your own magical Soulmate manifestation just listen my meditation and course.

*Please bear in mind that this is not the full course. This is just a taster of the full version video course that is coming soon!


Introduction - 00:08
Attract Your Soulmate meditation - 00:32 
Our (true!) Love Story - 23:00
Mini Soulmate Course - 1:21:25
Closing - 1:36:39


*** DISCLAIMER: As with all my meditations, courses, products and services I do not guarantee that your results will be 100% successful or akin to my or anyone else's results as I can't guarantee that you, or anyone else, do the inner work required for outer change. This is up to you. How committed you are and how regularly you do the inner work is within your control. What I offer here are the tools, tips and techniques to get there. They've worked for me and for thousands of others so they'll probably work for you too BUT it's up to you to do the work to guarantee your own success!
Sending you Love and Light  Renee x

Book a sacred appointment with your Soulmate today!

Important notes:

💜Download limit = x3 times. Please make sure to save your download as soon as you can as it is not possible to resend it after the three downloads have taken place.

💜 Please do not listen to this audio whilst driving or operating machinery. 
You will get a MP3 (178MB) file

Customer Reviews

Rain Frances

Verified Buyer

2 years ago

It works, it's wonderful - take action to manifest your soul mate!

This is a wonderful package. Renée's meditation is not only relaxing, but it's empowering. Her voice is very soothing. The meditation brings you to a place of love. She leads you through affirmations and positivity. It brings hope and gratitude!

We also get treated with Renée and Julian talking about how they met and fell in love, eloped, lost and loved. Remained together for so many years through love and trust.

The last part of this beautiful package is a mini course on how to attract your soul mate. Renée teaches you how to create a positive, exciting affirmation that is based in the present moment. She also speaks about cleaning your energy so that you can let go of the negative and bring in the positive.

On a personal note (as I type this), I have been in a 10 year marriage. Things fell apart recently and there seemed to be no hope. I did Renée's meditation and practiced her mini course and though there were ups and downs, my relationship was restored within a few months. I recommend this beautiful package with highest regards! ♥