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I am here to help women who are DONE with waking up feeling anxious, depressed and hating themselves when they are premenstrual.

No more crying yourself to sleep 

No more picking fights and feeling guilty after 

No more thinking you don't deserve anyone or anything

No more feeling like your hormones are attacking you or that you're broken

What if you could make sense of your extreme symptoms and understand why things are happening - and more importantly know how to stop them?

And it would be great if you could get more balance and calm in your cycle with a proven strategy to nourish you on physical, emotional and spiritual levels?

And even better, someone to help you along the way? To hold you accountable so you can make changes and stop dreading that time of the month.

Imagine waking up every morning at peace with yourself, knowing how you are going to feel and able to handle anything that comes your way.

And you even look forward to being premenstrual - because now you know how to use this week to your advantage.

Well. This amazing resource exists. I created Period Power: Master Your Menstrual Moods & Change Your Life so you can learn all of this and more - as quickly and easily as possible.

You are not alone

More and more women are struggling with their menstrual mental health. And while GPs are slowly getting better at helping prescribe medication, many women are interested in holistic, natural options to treat their symptoms.

Period Power: Master Your Menstrual Moods & Change Your Life is filling the huge gap in our knowledge about periods. There are things that we have never been taught about our bodies - this is the real story of the menstrual cycle and it will make sense of everything that you have experienced.

None of us were taught how to manage our menstrual mental health and we are now struggling to cope. I’m here to show you the truth of your experience as a woman and how it can make huge changes to your life.

Taking back control

For so many years our menstrual cycles have been denied, meaning we’ve had to live at odds with ourselves. We are so used to the world saying we should be only a certain way and operate the same every day - yet as women we experience something different on the inside. So many of us repeatedly shut down or hide our true experience to fit in or to feel 'normal'.

But it doesn’t have to be this way and Menstrual Cycle Awareness is how we reclaim our bodies and get what we need.

And I know you’re busy trying to juggle everything; work, social life, be a good partner, be a good mum; you’re trying to be everything to everyone and you’re trying to improve your wellbeing where you can but you just don’t have enough hours in the day. Sometimes your brain feels so full like it's going to explode. This is why I’m offering you simple way to learn cycle awareness in bitesize chunks at your own pace, so that you can get the information you need and give yourself the time and space to implement it.

If this is resonating with you so far, keep reading.

How do I know? Because I've been there

I suffered from PMDD for over a decade, stuck on antidepressants and feeling terrified of the anxiety and intrusive thoughts that would strike just before my period.

I became a menstrual cycle coach after healing my symptoms through Menstrual Cycle Awareness while completing the Red School's Menstruality Leadership Training in 2020, where I was directly mentored by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer. Since then I’ve been helping countless women around the world improve their menstrual mental health.

I have been featured in Authority magazine in the US and worked as a period coach for period underwear brand MyLola, I'm a brand ambassador for fertility organisation Hertility, I have co-authored a PhD on the phases of the menstrual cycle in sport and I am a patron of Kenyan menstrual health charity Rise Against Period Poverty.

I created this course because this knowledge is what changed my life when I was struggling with my own cycle years ago. Now I want it to change yours.

Achieve insane new levels of wellbeing

With my expert guidance, you'll learn how to harness the power of your period, boost your physical and emotional health, and step into your full potential as a woman.

  • Self-study course
  • Access to an expert cycle coach
  • Nurturing resources & guided practices
  • Supportive online community

All of this for just £89!

Grab NOW before the price increases!

Course + Support from Lisa

per month
First payment of £89
This option is to buy the course + monthly support from Lisa. The first payment is £89 (course + first month's support membership) and after that you will be charged £12 per month for the monthly support. This is a PAYG membership.

  • Monthly live group Q&A call where you can ask Lisa the questions that are keeping you stuck & receive support
  • Facebook group to keep you motivated and accountable, give you insight, tips & feedback from Lisa on course exercises PLUS you get to meet other like-minded women embarking on this rebellious adventure with you. You will also be able to find a Listening Partner here if you would like one - this is a simple yet sacred relationship that deepens your own journey while connecting you to another woman from across the globe. 

You are able to cancel the membership at any time after the first month. Please see the FAQ section for more information on this.

VIP option: Course + 90 minute 1:1 session with Lisa + Membership

per month
First payment of £229
This VIP package includes a 90-minute 1:1 cycle coaching session with Lisa to go deeper into your current cycle. This will greatly support your journey to better health and help you to achieve a deeper transformation in your current menstrual cycle.

Just want the course without the monthly membership? Sure thing!

How it works

Period Power: Master Your Menstrual Moods & Change Your Life is a self-paced, self-study online course. There are 7 modules with a mix of reading, audio and video lessons, plus guided practices.

You also get:

Monthly live group Q&A call with Lisa so you get answers to the questions that are keeping you stuck & receive support

Access to an online community of badass women on the same journey as you. This is to keep you accountable, motivated and feeling supported. Inside the group I will be available to respond to any questions and offer feedback on the exercises.

PLUS! these THREE bonuses:

  • 1 x Yoga Nidra meditation for menstruation
  • 1 x Herbs for the Cycle class
  • 4 x Inner Seasons curated playlists

TOTAL VALUE = £2600!


Peek inside the course modules...




And here's what other people are saying:

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"I used to dread my cycle because my PMDD symptoms were so intense. Discovering Menstruality has improved my relationship with my body. I feel empowered and much more aware of all things going on not just in my body but on an emotional level too. I'm so glad I found Lisa!"

— Harriet

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"I've learned how I can manage my menstrual health naturally and I'm already seeing changes in how I feel about my cycle. Everything makes sense now and I can't believe we've never been taught this before!"

— Laura

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"Before I took this course I was feeling very lost. I had horrible anxiety for days before my period. This course has given me hope again and I am learning to embrace my body and see my cycle as a source of strength."

— Aimee

Doors close February 28!

Course + Support from Lisa

per month
First payment of £89
This option is to buy the course + monthly support from Lisa. The first payment is £89 (course + first month's support membership) and after that you will be charged £12 per month for the monthly support. This is a PAYG membership.

  • Monthly live group Q&A call where you can ask Lisa the questions that are keeping you stuck & receive support
  • Facebook group to keep you motivated and accountable, give you insight, tips & feedback from Lisa on course exercises PLUS you get to meet other like-minded women embarking on this rebellious adventure with you. You will also be able to find a Listening Partner here if you would like one - this is a simple yet sacred relationship that deepens your own journey while connecting you to another woman from across the globe. 

You are able to cancel the membership at any time after the first month. Please see the FAQ section for more information on this.

VIP option: Course + 90 minute 1:1 session with Lisa + Membership

per month
First payment of £229
This VIP package includes a 90-minute 1:1 cycle coaching session with Lisa to go deeper into your current cycle. This will greatly support your journey to better health and help you to achieve a deeper transformation in your current menstrual cycle.

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent my products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.