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Stanley 'Tookie' Williams Basic Tenets

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Stanley 'Tookie' Willams "Redemption Basic Tenets" based on Redemptive Narrative Restructuring Identity Counseling (RCRIC) is a culturally specific ‘African-Centered’ behavior modification approach ‘tailored’ to address Black Male gang involvement identity.


RCRIC is based on Black gang members self-intervening in their own self-defeating and self-destructive life stories through editing ‘critical reasoning’ thereby beginning a redemptive ‘new’ evolving story creating an identity that integrates past lessons, a self-determined present, and a visualized purposeful future.


To understand and analyze the gang life of young Black males, Redemptive Narrative Restructuring Identity Counseling draws its psycho-education model from the leading gang expertise of Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams, co-founder of the L.A. Crips gang. 

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