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Are you thinking of turning your NDE into a Published Book?

With my guidance, I can help you Ghostwrite, Publish and Sell Your NDE Book.

  • Even if you're not a writer.
  • Even if you haven't published a book before.
  • Even if you don't know what the process is.
  • Even if you don't know where to begin.

If it is your intention and purpose to become a published author and share your NDE along with it's divine messages with those who are ready to receive it, I can help you co-create that experience.

If you're ready to publish your NDE...

I invite you to book a call with me and discuss the next steps.

If you're looking for:

  • A complete done for you system.
  • A team of publishing professionals to ghostwrite, edit, proofread, format, design, publish and market your book.
  • A ghostwriter who is passionate about NDEs and has a deep understanding of Metaphysics, Universal law, Magick, Channeling and Spirituality.
  • Have your book published in just a few short months.
  • Have a minimum of 100 book sales within 3 months of launching.
  • Keep 100% if the royalties, own 100% if the content and rights to your book.

It is my passion and pleasure to Introduce and invite you into my complete done-for-you publishing system: NDE to Divine Published Author.

It is a complete Done-for-you system for turning your NDE into a published book, even if you have no writing or self publishing experience.

Here is what some of my past divine authors have to say...

So What is the Process?


Get your story out...

Even though words cannot fully explain the awe of your experience, it is important to me to capture your voice, message and experience in as much glorious detail as possible while keeping it pure and authentic to you.


Complete your manuscript...

This is where your words are turned into your manuscript, ready for print: compiling your chapters, editing, proofreading, beta reading, and formatting.


Design your book...

Your book will be judged by its cover. The perfect cover design is one that reflects the message of the book in perfect harmony with vision of the author - that's you!


Publishing time!

This is the day you become a divine published author and you get to share your messages and experience with all who are ready to receive it, all over the world.


Let's share your NDE with the world!

Marketing and selling your book actually starts as soon as your book project begins. This includes social media marketing, a launch plan and setting up a funnel for passive sales.

I also take into account your human design and what your unique energy blueprint aligns with in terms of marketing strategies that work best for you.

Here is more of our divine author feedback...

Why Should You Publish With Us?

Short Answer - You shouldn't, unless you feel inspired to do so!

Even though we offer:

1. A complete Done-for-you publishing system.

2. Guaranteed 100 book sales (Minimum, over 3 months).

3. A professional publishing team passionate about NDEs and dedicated to co-creating a work of art with you.

4. A passive funnel so your book can reach more people on autopilot.

5. Four publishing formats, including ebook, paperback, hardcover and audiobook.

6. Published on 8 platforms for maximum reach and distribution.

We'd be honoured if you chose us because...

  • We love what we do.
  • We are passionate about sharing messages and divine guidance to those waiting for it.
  • We thrive on learning, understanding and expanding through your awe inspiring experiences.
  • We're inspired by your willingness to share your messages with others.
  • We take pleasure in co-creating works of divine knowledge, wisdom and truth.

Hi, I'm Ameera

It is my absolute passion and pleasure to publish NDEs.

It all started 10 years ago when my grandfather transitioned into spirit.

At the time I didn't understand anything about death, Spirit, what happens when we die... it was all a mystery and I made it my obsession to find out everything I can.

Fueled by grief and a broken heart I started studying everything I could, from ancient teachings, the kaballah, mysticism, magick, Channeling, metaphysics and more.

It not only lead to my healing but to my passion of sharing this great knowledge through writing.

I have always been a writer and had a natural love for books and writing.

I also have 12 years of online marketing experience and decided to combine my skills into a done-for-you system so that I could help more people who have had Near Death Experiences share their divine insights and messages with the world.

One of the very first resources that sparked my understanding that we are all eternal spirit was a NDE book.

10 years later, I still can't get enough, I still learn more every day, I still love knowing and understanding more with every NDE I publish.

And I invite you to share your NDE because if it is a divine inspiration to do so, there is someone waiting to read it.

What Is Included?

1. Ghostwriting

We ghostwrite your entire book from Cover to cover.

Of course, you will guide the details according to what you as the author envision for your book. We just do all the writing.

2. Editing

Our editors make sure your manuscript is error-free, and a page-turner!

3. Proofreading

Making sure we didn't miss anything!

You also get to suggest any last minute changes and updates you'd like.

4. Beta-reading

This is when a few of your ideal readers get to read your book before its published.

Why? So that they can give real feedback on the book. Such as: Did they like it? Why or why not? What would make the book a better read? What changes would make the reading experience more pleasurable? And so on...

Now we make those changes before we publish.

5. Formating

Final changes are made and the pages are perfectly formatted according to each platforms specifications.

Your manuscript is ready to print!

6. Cover design

Now that you have a perfect manuscript, you need the perfect cover.

Our eager designers will not stop until you're satisfied with the artwork and cover design.

7. Audiobook Recording

You get to choose if you want to be the voice of your book or if you prefer a professional voice over artist.

If you prefer to voice your book we will guide you and co-create with you every step of the way to ensure a beautiful and professional result.

8. Publishing

Your book will be published in 4 formats.

  • EBook
  • Paperback
  • Hardcover
  • Audiobook

If you prefer to publish only in written formats, that is an option too.

9. Marketing

Now it's time to spread the word about your amazing book.

The Marketing process begins when we start your book project and it continues with us for 3 months. We also guarantee 100 book sales within the 3 months. (Done-for-you)

You will also get access to a marketing strategy, implementation list, funnel building system, templates and more, if you prefer a DIY approach when it comes to marketing and sales.

We will also build a funnel for passive sales so that you don't need to keep actively marketing your book if you don't want to and it will continue to reach more and more people.

Bonus - You will also get a custom website built for your book, designed by our best web designers, at no cost to you. (Pay in full options only).

If you're ready to publish your NDE...

I invite you to book a call with me and discuss the next steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need writing or publishing experience?

No writing or publishing experience is needed. My team and I will handle all the writing and publishing, and we update you every step of the way.

What type of books do you publish?

I specialize in publishing books on near death experiences and out of body experiences.

How long does the publishing process typically take?

Depending on the length of the book and other factors, it can take between 3 - 6 months to have your book in print. About 90% of the books we've published have been published within 4 months.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes we do.

How does the ghostwriting process work?

We schedule a series of calls together over a period of a few weeks where we discuss your NDE in detail. The calls are recorded and with a little magic, the words you speak become the words in your book.

The ghostwriter does not get credit for writing, is not mentioned as a co-author or author. We follow a strict confidentiality policy where we will not under any circumstances reveal that your book was ghostwritten by us. You will resume sole rights as the author once published.

Can I provide input during the writing and editing phase?

Absolutely! In fact, we encourage it. This is your book. Your Name will be on the cover so you need to be in love with the content, cover and everything else involved in this co-creation.

What happens if I want to make changes after the book is published?

We will unpublished your book, make the changes and re publish thereafter. This will be at no extra cost to you within 3 months of publishing.

How do you handle copyright and ownership of the book?

Even though we ghostwrite the book, you will solely own the content, and rights to the book. You also keep 100% of the royalties and you will be the named author.

Can I use my own cover design or artwork?

Of course! And our experienced designers will be more than happy to tweak any designs throughout the process if necessary.

How will the book be marketed?

Depending on your preferences and other factors, we will either use organic or paid or a combination of both strategies to market your book.

We will create and implement a custom marketing plan and launch campaign for you book.

We will also create a funnel for passive sales and if you choose the pay-in-full option we will design your book website as well at NO extra cost to you.

Where will my book be available for sale?

Amazon KDP and Audible.

Will my book be published in an e-book format or print?

Your book will be published in 4 formats.





Do you offer refunds?

Once work has commenced on your book and/or your book has been published, no refunds will be given.

I am ready to publish my book. What is the next step?


Click the "Book a call" button, book a call with me and let's discuss your book.

Once we've decided to co-create your book together, we will immediately start working on it.

I have more questions. How can I contact you directly?

You can send me an email - Or book a call with me by clicking the green button below.

If you're ready to publish your NDE...

I invite you to book a call with me and discuss the next steps.