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A Plan to Save The World

  • eBook Length: 280+ pages
  • eBook file format: PDF 

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       What is 'Mundus-S'?

    'Mundus' is Latin for world, humankind, nature, Earth.

    The ‘-S’ represents Safety, Security, Stability, Sustainability, and numerous other desired global conditions beginning with the letter ‘s’.

    Though the world has evolved much over the past centuries, its basic operational model has failed to keep pace. The world's current framework, old and outdated, is faulty and counterproductive. The manner in which civilization is being conducted is grossly unsustainable. Civilization is destined to collapse. Facing such an unprecedented catastrophe, we, the human race, are in dire trouble.

​   It never ceases to amaze, how it is that some fail to grasp the fundamental idea that if the world system collapses, nearly all we hold dear, nearly all that we have toiled so hard to achieve, will be lost. The great effort of our lives, of our parents' lives, of our grandparents' lives, and so on, and so on, will have been for not. If the world falls, we all fall with it.

    Overstressed and degrading social and natural systems are undermining and destabilizing the greater world system causing the existing order to become dangerously insecure. At this delicate point, a single trigger event could set off a chain reaction that ends in world system collapse and failure. The consequences of a world system collapse would be unimaginable.

    Considering the ongoing and increasing amount of damage sustained by the standing global social, economic, and environmental systems, a world system collapse is foreseeable - indeed, should be expected - by 2100, if not a good deal sooner.

    With the threat of a world system collapse at our doorstep, we find ourselves in desperate need of a solution. Presently, many fine organizations are doing outstanding work along the lines of restabilizing the global system, however, their solutions are principally focused on one area or another, and we have here, this is a systemic problem. As the root of the problem lies in the overall design of the system, rather than in individual system components, the main issue, the big picture, namely operational structure, is not being properly addressed... until now.

   The Mundus-S Solution is a comprehensive, global human safety and security plan; a social and sustainability blueprint for overhauling, rebuilding, and balancing the current unstable, discordant, failing, antiquated world-system model which has long since passed its prime (if ever it knew one). Mundus can and will restore balance to the currently, perilously unstable world system. Not only will Mundus stabilize the world system, thereby neutralizing the impending threat of its collapse, but it will usher in a self-perpetuating age of prosperity for all peoples. The solution offers a second chance: the planet with a means to recover and rejuvenate, and humankind with a much-needed 'reset and restart'.

Mundus delivers a full-spectrum, integrated solution, one that effectively addresses all the world’s major problems including:
  • Armed conflict and war
  • Ideological conflict
  • Ethnic/Cultural/Racial/Gender conflict and discrimination
  • Poverty/Hunger
  • Welfare/Healthcare
  • Economic instability
  • Government deficit/debt
  • Trade wars​
  • Natural resource depletion
  • Pollution, toxic waste, poisoning of the planet
  • Vanishing wilderness
  • Endangered species
  • Climate imbalance
  • Government ineptitude
  • Government corruption
  • Money in government: Bought and paid positions and legislation
  • Unfair electoral representation
  • Unrepresentative voting
  • ​Privacy rights protection / Strictly regulated government surveillance
  • Right to ownership of personal online data
  • Overpopulation
  • Overconsumption
  • Overdevelopment
  • Unsafe/Reckless science and technology
  • Civil liberties abuse
  • Species extinction
  • * And the list of fixes goes on...
    The 'grand solution of all solutions', Mundus-S affords a complete, integrated, full-spectrum answer to all the world's most pressing problems.

At the core of the plan is a new, greatly improved type of social system, a democratic, constitutional-based, pluralistic form of governance providing fair and just law and order. Though similar in many respects to existing political systems, the FWFR contains innovative elements of governance, law, and order never before been seen. For a snapshot of the proposed social system, please refer to the diagram at the top of this page titled, 'Basic Structure of the Free World Federal Republic'.

Implemented properly, Mundus will function as a reset button, putting humankind back on the right track and returning the world to a healthy state, namely on the path to sustainable advancement; an enduring civilization, self-perpetuating for millennia to come. The outcome of the restoration will be a secure, prosperous, coexistent world; a world that is safe and free for all, a pluralistic world where, despite disparities, diverse peoples, cultures, and ideologies/ideas, one and all, will be able to get along without fear of self-destruction.

You may be thinking, ‘Sounds too good to be true. This is just some dreamer’s utopist fantasy’.
Perhaps, but what if it were true? What if Mundus could make good on all its lofty promises?

Facing catastrophic events on multiple fronts - economic, militaristic, political, technological, environmental, and more - we are in dire need of a way out of this horrifying mess. Offering a means of restoring safety and security to our endangered world, Mundus is the only solution capable of countering the impending world system collapse. The solution, arguably the most important idea of our time, beckons consideration.  

Mundus is an epochal idea well worth your time. You owe it to yourself to find out whether the solution is fantasy or fact, false or true. Before passing judgment on the idea, you are urged to take a look at the solution so that you can make an informed, intelligent decision. After having read through the plan, you will have your answer.

No doubt, certain aspects of the plan will be regarded by some as highly controversial, if not extreme and radical, but the precariousness of our present situation demands such measures.

Why not start your enlightening voyage right this instant? Get The Mundus Solution and let your journey to building a better world begin.

To learn more about Mundus-S, download your free copy of The Mundus-S Solution (Abridged version). 

Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to get your free copy of ​UNCERTAIN FUTURE: The Triumph or Tragedy of World Civilization. This book provides valuable insight into the Mundus Solution's origin and derivation.

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