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Summary of the book "The Chinese Trend towards Global Hegemony. Economic imperialism"

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What is the cause of the political and economic conflict between the Republic of China and Western countries? Will China dominate the world in the future? What does Chinese totalitarian capitalism mean? What did President Deng Xian do after taking office? Why does China torture "Uighur Muslims? What does he mean by trade protectionism? What does mercantile theory mean?"""

You will find the answers to the above questions in the Summary of the book "The Chinese Trend towards Global Hegemony. Economic imperialism"
Author: Antoine Brunet and Jean-Paul Geshard
The world is currently witnessing during the past few years a political and economic struggle between the Republic of China and Western countries, led by the United States of America, for global hegemony, and the current reality indicates that China has surpassed the American economy, which was equivalent to three times the Chinese economy more than ten years ago!

When China adopted the capitalist system during the second half of the twentieth century, everyone thought that it would undoubtedly move towards democracy, but contrary to expectation it had established its own system, that of Chinese "totalitarian capitalism" in the face of Western "democratic capitalism."

Who is this book for?
For students of economics and political science.
For those interested in knowing contemporary economic imperialism.
For those who want to understand the economic policy pursued by the Chinese dragon.
For those wishing to understand the conflict between the West and China for global hegemony.
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