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hello cutie~ This is my commission page, so you can easily understand more about my commission process and what it entails.

If the following doesn't have the answer you need, please join the discord and create a ticket to ask me, I will answer your questions.

哈啰 宝子~ 这是我的委托页面,方便你能更加了解我的委托过程及其内容。


  1. For commission prices, please check the ✉┆ 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 channel in the discord server.
  2. The base price is fixed, but in reality it will be adjusted in price according to your desired requirements and other combination of circumstances.
  3. 委托价格请查看discord伺服器中的 ✉┆𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 频道,
  4. 基础价格是固定的,但实际上会依照你所需的要求和其他综合情况进行价格上的调整。
  5. I have the power to refuse any request you provide, but unless there is a lack of technical or computer performance, this will almost never happen.
  6. 我有权力拒绝你提供的任何要求,但除非技术或电脑性能不足,不然这种情况几乎不可能会发生。
  7. The fastest I can do is the same day on a business day, but the slowest I can do is a week or more if I have too many commissions.
  8. 工作日最快当天就可以完成,但若委托太多最慢需要一星期或更久。
  9. My commission status can be found on the Gumroad commission page, ✉┆ 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 channel, my discord status, server announcements, and other places to know.
  10. 我的委托状态可以从Gumroad委托页面, ✉┆𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 频道,我的discord status,server公告等等地方知道。
  11. Please let me know immediately if there are any changes that need to be made during the production process and provide me with your ideas.
  12. 若制作过程中有需要修改的部份请立刻让我知道,并且提供你的想法。
  13. The commission does not include making/editing avi or editing the body and face.
  14. 委托内容并不包含制作/编辑avi 或者 编辑身体和脸
  15. Payment is made by sending you the image and confirming that no changes are needed, then I will create a product page and send you the linked discount code, and after payment you can download the file directly from payhip.
  16. 付款方式是我制作完并将图片发给你确认不需在修改后,我将创建一个商品页面并将链结的折扣码发给你,付款完后就可以直接从payhip中下载文件。
  17. Please remember to tell me exactly what you want and need. If you don't have a clear idea, please provide at least one idea so that we can discuss what you need based on that idea.
  18. 记住,请明确的告诉我你的想法和需求,若你没有明确的需求,请至少提供一个想法,这样我们才能有一个好的出发点
  19. Please don’t resell this object after some slight editing.
  20. 请不要对其进行细微修改后再转售该物品。
  21. If there are any questions that appear on this page that you would like to ask, please join the discord and create a ticket to let me know and I will answer them for you when I have time.
  22. 如果有没有出现在此页面的问题想问,请加入discord并创建票券让我知道,我将会在有空的时候替你解答。

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