Monkey King visits Qinglong 齊天大聖造訪青龍
Journey to the West, the Great Sage Qitian traveled around the world and observed that this place must be as beautiful as a fairyland. There must be gods living there. He used his fire-eyed Jingjing to observe that the Qinglong Dragon Palace was here, he transformed into the Supreme Star god and went to visit the Dragon Palace with the gods and immortals.
In an instant they came to the Dragon Palace and the Great Sage put his palms together and saluted respectfully and asked? Qinglong, why are you so leisurely? Why not visit the human world? There is so much suffering in the world today!
Qinglong replied; Xingju is unaware of something. The world is not as good as it used to be, and there are wars. Human beings have advanced weapons! If I had traveled around in the past, I would have been mistaken for an unknown foreign object and become their aerial target! After being beaten down, my years of hard training came to an end! My fellow aliens, the dinosaurs! It is said that it has become a museum specimen of mankind! It’s really helpless!
The Monkey King replied; I have heard something too! It seems I have to be more careful too! Otherwise, I might become the second specimen one day! At that moment, Taishang Xingju instantly transformed into the Monkey King! He said that the universe is vast and the places I can help are limitless! I happened to pass by the Dragon Palace today and came here to visit! Ha ha! sorry! sorry!
青龍回答; 星居有所不知如今世間不如以往,戰亂紛紛人類擁有先進武器!我如已往到處走訪会被誤以為是外來不明物體成為他們的空中目標!被打下來,我多年的苦練修行就此終結!我的異類同胞恐龍!據說已經成為人類的博物館標本!真是無可奈何!
齊天大聖回答; 我也有所聽聞!看來我也要加倍小心!不然不知那一天我也可能成為第二個標本!當下太上星居瞬間轉變成齊天大聖! 他說 宇宙廣大我所協助的地方無量無邊!今天剛巧路過龍宮特地前來拜訪!哈哈!失敬!失敬!