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About this course

Imposter syndrome is seldom talked about in the workplace, yet is a prevalent phenomenon particularly in high-performance industries. Join me for this short course, where we will explore:

- what academic research can tell us about the experience of imposter thoughts

- why imposter thoughts show up during times of learning and growth

- techniques we can use to make room for 'imposterish' feelings, and continue to take action towards what's important

- what workplaces can do to support their employees to overcome imposter thoughts and the associated feelings of not belonging.

During this short course we'll be exploring how Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (ACC) techniques to help you find workable solutions to the experience of imposter thoughts.

ACC is an extremely effective and practical framework. I've used it with great success with my clients, and use its principles daily on myself, to help me maintain a psychologically healthy and values-driven mindset, as well as navigate challenging situations..

Hi, I'm Isabelle

I am a psychologist and professional development coach with a data-driven, evidence-based approach. I'm all about leveraging behavioural science to facilitate meaningful, values driven change for the people I work with.

I've undertaken hours of training on the ACT framework, use it with great success with my clients, AND use its principles daily on myself, to help me maintain a psychologically healthy and values-driven mindset, as well as navigate challenging situations.

I have two Psychology degrees (BSc, MSc), a professional coaching diploma, with accreditation (ACC) and I've also worked in clinical science for over twenty years. So you can expect a well-researched, rigorous approach to my training and development programs.

What people say about this course

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Very informative and delivered in a way that is easy to understand and follow. I loved the way I was able to work through what it means for me - it made it very personal and relevant

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This is a really powerful mindset shift for the feelings and thoughts we call Imposter's syndrome.

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Isabelle is really knowledgeable and is a great teacher.

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