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A&G That Pair of Pliers and Elon Musk Those Three SEEKERS of ANSWERS

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He walked into his Board room and looked at everyone's eyes Threw a Fucking FIT as a Tsunami of words and bellowed out this was stupid and very serious this fiasco was totally unavoidable they were Playing with his Future as if Kids and he had had enough of their arse sucking Lies, I have been Saved from Death By my so called Enimies A&G where the Fuck did that statement Came from you Pack up and Leave those Mock up Craft at the Entrance did you read the Consiquences to be sued by The China Government in Clauses your Fired putting My whole Operation at jeopardy and Peril Pack up and Leave and The Fuckwit who said A&G Little Boat will not be as Good as Ours For You Know what saying that has done Read the Press That Yacht at over 100 Meters Flys it can Fly now when You Find Me a another opportunity to throw away my Embarassment have been Rescued by A&G from certain death where tell me where their Yacht Not going to be the Number One in this World and Costs are un imaginable we insult Publics intelligence and You were supposed to Be The very Best to watch my back and Company Future well you can all pack your Bags and Your all Fired this is not Good enough making Me look The Fool I paid you to Think and You Hang me out to dry Your all Fired.

He was Hot to Trot now Get Out of My sight and off the Premises 

That Made Media Headline News with all those People Leaving with Cardboard Boxes ELON MUSK FUMES and sacks His Boardroom advisors  

That Space ceiling drew his attention more than any other place at HQ The Round Deck on the Universe Dancer was the Most photographed wherever it came close to the public sight it was with this notion he sat in with A&G glass of South african Mandela Red Elon said Why not Make a Top floor for Space office maybe enough for the inflix of a new grade of Thouasnd Space sience Employees who we put on their Backs at work stations so looking up at The James Office Ceiling Projection is nornal working Position to be Captivated into the Univeres do the same Builds and lift into position not to cause disruption Gaz Said I llke that and we were only talking we have hadly Touched the Space programm Budget it revolves we put our new Logo AEG Space Center Shit AL said that would put us on the Map I like your Idea Pal got my vote thats Two Gaz said You win Your Project you just talked yourself a Job they all Laughed Use the Best for Tax purpose Pal no skimping and do give Jame & Ken a little Look Elon you know the Brian of Space Men Martha had offer to Make a Film about You she wants to chat when your Free I can see this Revolving Office our signature marker great lets see the costs as if we stick with Steel and Bomb proof windows could be weeks not months I like it Good Idea Elon 

It took twelve weeks for they to use their own Squidji Cranes few hours to hook up and that Night Pattaya City Came for the Switch what a sight AEG Universe HQ Space Center Thailand was born what huge Icon with a Thousand workstations like a Round Football field in a UFO flying Saucer Deck what a sight so incredible James Ken Louise loved and when the Ceiling projection Hit that was seen from the road outside it stopped traffic 

That night was Elon Night it was also the night they went into full 24-hour working seven days a week the demands for Products went off those charts if they Took on that Thousand and would be another right behind space-age arrived in high numbers of employees NASA had 18 thousand on their books so the AEG had a long way to go to play catch up,

Gaz must have Had Five Hundred Emails begging for appearances all over the World which The automated Software Responded to H&S Media Brian Smart Requested a Call when available The Bad News is that British Check still has not cleared somebody Playing silly Buggers so How Many Days Default Pal 60 up until today.

 Maybe it's the PM he was on Holiday when he asked Maldives I think we need to Teach them a lesson we lock up the Parliament Security Blanket of Squidji 7 days to Pay Tooting Times exclusive Brian 

  He and AL with Davy Eades the New Stretch over the Blanket at 4 am made it impenetrable Massive Sign said Under Offer due to Default London woke up the staff unable to get in the MP arrived Hell Broke out 60 days Over Parliament is Confiscated being auctioned off Poor PM Pooped his Shorts when he checks his Mail   

Now the World took Notice Big Time and the Heart Pouring was for A&G for what they had Been Through with Palua and now non-payment stuff this Humiliation Britain Had Turned into a third-world untrustworthy Beacon bordering on on Criminality,

The Headlines Parliament Sold out the Clean Out of Incompetence Begins as PM rushes back from his Vacation Vows to Repair this Damage They Had thrown everything at those Door to Break in but it Impossible The King was Drawn in asking Why Gaz replied We don't like Lies Twice we have our Both Empires to Feed Mine is Rice bowl in Staying alive watching a Once Proud Nation sinking in a Disgrace of that Swamp of Lies. I am selling to Musk 

Tooting Times went Berserk Gaz was Playing Musk Synergy of the Minds he had done what he said and offered to use his Profit to Build a New Infrastructure and this is what happens 60 days defaulted how many households would Have their Utilities Cut off how Many Pensioners Starving A&G were the White Knights Measure the Worth of any MP what they achieve Politics in the Dark Ages Parliament a school to try to get themselves rich, 

well I have Lied to Enough and I will remove all our assets From The UK A&G Provided Fifty Thousand Jobs and you have not the decency to pay Bill London the Morals of Toe Rags. Trust had run away with The Spoon and Jumped over that Moon in a Sea of Swamp Mongrels 

He was Back AL knew Nobody could make him Bend this was going to be a war a battle of the best Martha H&S now Let Loose her American salvo Talk shows TV News Broadcasters on haw shocking state of affairs there started this Implosion of Will power and Heads Rolling outdoors with a New Wave of Attitudes 

They were Not Found anywhere not one soul thought Tangu they were up at Jackie's Pub meeting with an American Stuntman of the Waterworld Show who wanted Their permission to Jet ski Jump the Universe Dancer Lengthways she was listed as the Longest SuperYacht built in the World and they Had The Longest jet ski Jump Lloyds did not want anything to do the Jet ski insurance would not able to Cover damage Guarantees in costs The Four had been out watching their Waterworld s Show was good but that distance they failed twice which They Now at Jackie's were Blaming the wrong Jet ski it was smaller engine A&G and H&S not convinced These Young Guys put Death on the Risk Line in all those Daily Stunts Two Shows of crazy dangerous actions. 

Gaz said the only permission You would have is if You Used Their Squidji Jet Ski Modification and The Meeting ended with Think about it.

Bacon that Following Morning was a gobsmacked arse of A&G for Landing on their Helideck was None Other than Lord Ceal and His Ex-Wife with white Flag of Peace They all sat around the Breakfast Table .full of Admiration of the Style Did not say one word to his Ex in fear of incriminations not knowing what was what only Al knew 

 He Said By Gad you can Cook a Good Breakfast well old boy let me lay the plans out and apologies in a last attempt to quell the Troubled waters we pay up Immediately what we Owe and double your offer to Fo the Whole of UK New road rail Infrastructure with the Full contract Value Up Front and a Skyways Infrastructure contract with Guaranteed Government Viper Purchase of 100 Thousand units Gaz said Nothing Looking at Al and Martha he looked down at his phone Brian Smart on zoom Take the Deal Take the Deal no sound ok we Bury that Hatchet when The Money in our account I let the King Open Parliament deal now get off our boat as we are having stunt team Jump over and the Could Crush your Escape the shook hands not a word to his ex-wife just nodded Maim and they were gone back to UK 

Brian was Saying Money in the Bank and Extra to start other Projects you have sixty billion with a Goodwill letter from Charles Once they started it was 100 Miles Per five Days slotted roads and tracks Fifty Days all The Complaints stopped when Super Squidji Trains broke the world record Passengers rail UK waa Now world leader the Infrastructure blended in looking od the Countryside in silent mode travel Green clean free energy that shut everyone Up what now made life easy was the Skyways was 3500 Feet above with their track infra Green rays transponders fixed on the rail network everyone wins those Frozen Pensioners were now Reprieved and everyone was on a British Standard Pension humanity had seen sense live or die where the hell you pleased freedom was restored as the Pride in the Nation


The King Opened up Parliament with a Wrath of Changes His Government would Try to accomplish The tourists Flew in Billions it was Two Pounds a Pint of Beer and a pound a glass of wine no Petrol No Pollution it was Squdji Super Viper Cars UK was One Hell of a Happy Place Sadly if You were Illegal refugee the Flying Transporters dumped your arse to your house to try again or get a job A&G always Listen 

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