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Choosing ONE WORD for your New Year resolution is better than making promises you'll break in a week. See how God can impact and direct you in the days and months ahead simply with one word.

Choosing ONE WORD has been the most amazing thing I ever did each New Year. The Lord has used it to change me and help me focus more on Him more than ever. If you've never done this before, I encourage you to choose your word today. Never think if it's August it's too late to start!

PRAY! First pray and ask God to direct you in choosing ONE WORD to shape your New Year. This is deeper than choosing resolutions that you'll forget or fail to accomplish. Your word will be precious through success and your failures.

READ YOUR BIBLE! Keep reading your Bible right where you've been reading. God used a verse I read to help me find my verse this year. You are reading your Bible, right?

AWARENESS! As you read a book, listen to music, and even watch a movie . . . keep an awareness that you are looking for a word for your year.

DREAM! Dream or brainstorm on a piece of paper and write ideas and combinations of words. The past few years I have chosen hyphenated words!

ASK GOD! Double-check with God that this is the word He wants you to have for this year!
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