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The Physical Kick Ass Biz Credit Workbook

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Why grab this workbook??

Well, it's simple.

Because once you get approved for their first business credit card...

Once you experience the little-known power of this magical piece of plastic...or other business credit

Your eyes are opened, and your path to business growth becomes clearer.

I call it "The Plastic Kick Ass Effect", and once you've been enlightened with its power, it never disappears.

Like most small business owners, we struggled getting business credit at first. In fact, I fell flat on my face.

Starting out, I  financed e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g with personal savings. And nearly went broke!

Sound familiar?

While it helped, I ran into a brick wall FAST.

When personal credit cards maxed-out and savings wiped-out, I still needed more money to build my business.

I  was stuck. I felt like I owned a glorified job – not a business.

Do you know the feeling?

Well, that's when I had an "ah ha" moment. I decided enough is enough! I couldn't keep building my business this way. I got a Coach and invested in myself.. 

And in 7 months, I was able to take my business credit from nonexistent to getting tradeline business credit and the doors open up! quick..... To over 150K in business credit.

And you can duplicate this success once you discover the same secrets that I uncovered to start your business credit transformation in my Business Credit Workbook.

Here are a few of the secrets you'll be given:

1. How business credit works
2. What is Duns & Brad
3. What is paydex
4. What are tradelines and how to start building your biz credit with tradelines
5. Insider secerets of tradelines that will build your biz credit fast.

.......much more on how to kick ass building your biz credit....

You can follow me on fb @bizcreditceo