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Breast Cancer Book 7: Can you cure me?

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About the book

Medical experts understand and know that cancer is not a single disease. Not all cancers are the same. Each type of cancer could develop, spread, cause illness and respond to treatment in completely different ways. Many cancers are not reliably cured with currently available therapies. No treatment can guarantee a cure.



Preface: Can you cure me …. 1

Chapter 1: Empty promise …14

Chapter 2: The chemo experiment …32

Chapter 3: Let the truth be told …48

When the doctor tells a patient she is cured, what do you understand by cure? All patients who go to their doctors or even who come to me, always hope to have their cancer cured. But it reality there is no such thing as a “cure.” I have been searching for information about cancer cure in the internet. Can we really cure cancer? I am disappointed. There is no simple Yes or No answer. Experts rarely use the words cure for cancer. They can’t really talk about a cure for cancer in the same way that we mend and cure a broken leg.


Chris K. H. Teo. Ph.D. was a former Professor of Botany. In May 1995, he and his wife Beng Im started CA Care. Our mission is to help the hopeless and helpless cancer patients find their healing. When you are told that you have no hope, we believe that there is still hope. To know more click these links: (English) (Bahasa Indonesia)

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