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Digital portfolio

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Studying this eBook will help you to:

  • understand what's needed from your digital portfolio
  • understand how you can get the most from your digital portfolio at this early stage
  • plan which work fits into each category
  • scan and photograph your work effectively
  • arrange your work in composite images to show as much work as you can do

Portfolio Oomph has great experience preparing and collating digital portfolios for art college applications – with success!

This 21 page eBook walks you through the process of scanning and photographing your work and then compiling it into the required format for the college of your choice.

We have a template that you can print off to organise yourself on paper before you even start trying to put the images together. This ensures you have enough images in each section of research/development, context/influences and final pieces. Also that the work is in the correct category.

Technical issues are covered as different colleges require different size images. Key, is getting the images in your digital portfolio to be good quality but also within the restrictions of memory size. We use an image editing software that you can all download for free for one month whilst preparing your digital portfolio.

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Portfolio Oomph has great experience preparing and collating digital portfolios for art college applications – with success!

This 21 page eBook walks you through the process of scanning and photographing your work and then compiling it into the required format for the college of your choice.

We have a template that you can print off to organise yourself on paper before you even start trying to put the images together. This ensures you have enough images in each section of research/development, context/influences and final pieces. Also that the work is in the correct category.

Technical issues are covered as different colleges require different size images. Key is getting the images in your digital portfolio to be good quality but also within the restrictions of memory size. We an image editing software that you can all download for free for one month whilst preparing your digital portfolio.

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