2025 Lenten Devotional: A Light for the Nations
The season of Lent is a sacred time for us Christians to quiet our hearts, reflect, repent, and renew. During these forty days, we meditate on the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, contemplating His sacrifice and love while reflecting on our mission in this world. This year's 2025 Lenten Devotional takes the theme "A Light for the Nations", calling on us to become God's light and illuminate the darkness around us in a world filled with war, conflict, and unrest.
When Jesus said, "You are the light of the world", (Matthew 5:14) He entrusted this mission to every one of His followers. Today, the world is facing war, conflict, and disasters, filled with pain and despair. As God's people, we are called to bring Christ's light to these broken places, to be messengers of peace, spreading love and hope. In such times, our witness through the way we live becomes critically important.
As in previous years, this booklet is not intended as an exegesis. It is a tool to help brothers and sisters in Christ, amidst their busy lives, deeply reflect on their walk with the Lord through daily devotion and meditation. This is not just about fostering personal spiritual renewal and growth, but also calling us to be a light in this tumultuous world, shining in the darkness. Through meditation and prayer, we hope that everyone will find strength from God within their hearts and bring that light to those in pain and hardship in the world.
May the 2025 Lenten Devotional help you experience an inner transformation as you walk with the Lord, becoming a reflection of His light and bringing Christ's love into this troubled world. May each one of us, during this Lenten season, truly become "A Light for the Nations", witnessing the peace and glory of the Lord.
Bishop Lu Guan Hoe
Bishop, Lutheran Church in Singapore
President, National Council of Churches of Singapore
All proceeds go towards supporting the Bible Mission.
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