Nutrition for Fat Loss Guide
Learn how to determine your energy "calorie" needs for losing body fat while maintaining muscle mass, calculate your macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) and create a meal plan that incorporates the foods you enjoy, ALL BASED ON YOUR NEEDS AND PREFERENCES.
This Nutrition Guide contains all of the information I share with my monthly nutrition coaching clients and the rationale behind my fat loss strategy. Incorporate the tools I share into a workable action plan to achieve your fat loss goals on your own schedule. You'll get sample calculations and meal plans to help you create your own, my tips for success, and notes for special dietary needs like vegetarian and vegan, etc. I even provide information on how to make progress assessments and guidance for once you reach your fat loss goal and move into maintenance mode.
PDF can be viewed on mobile. A printer friendly version is available upon request at jessclarkfit@gmail.com.