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How to Become an Expert at Sudoku

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Have you ever heard of the Sudoku game? If you do, then you must be following all the trends that are happening around you. Anyway, who doesn't know anything about it? Children, youth, and the elderly know how to play the Sudoku game.

Sudoku is a Japanese puzzle game that is taking the entire world by storm. It started as an unknown game but already conquered Japan in the 1980s. Today, there are over a million players who play it every month on the internet.

For those people who don't know the Sudoku game, it is basically a game of numbers from 1 to 9. You start with a 9x9 grid, which is divided into nine 3x3 boxes.

The first grid should have a series of numbers scattered in each row and column in random order. There is a technique behind this game. First, you must ensure that you have all the numbers from 1 to 9 in every row and column. Second, you should not have two of the same numbers in each 9x9 grid.

This may be a bit confusing (as it is a puzzle), but when you see and play the Sudoku game, you will realize that it makes great sense.

Once you begin with a Sudoku game, it is expected that you will find it very difficult to stop. Most players are not initially great fans of puzzles and crosswords, but once they start playing, they get hooked. They would even make sure that they have completed the game.

What makes it very addicting is the continuous challenge it gives to the players. The pre-planned trial and error matched with techniques, which mainly depend on the clues you are given, makes it easier for anyone to win.

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