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得著這城 (特會MP4錄影) - 第二天 Take the City Conference - Day 2

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艾林‧卡農是位於加拿大魁北克省的道路教會(Église Le Chemin)的使徒性團隊領袖,道路教會是一個充滿活力的基督身體;艾林同時也是道路網絡(Hodos)的創辦人及總監。道路網絡是一個使徒性和先知性網絡,連結並對齊相同心思心志的機構和信徒,一同推動神國的擴展。艾林和他的妻子瑪麗(Marie)住在加拿大魁北克省的加蒂諾市(Gatineau, Québec, Canada)。
艾林由2011年開始將一間有規模的傳統地方教會「道路教會」過渡成為真正的使徒中心;從一個由長老理事會管治並要求牧師問責的教會,轉變成由使徒管治並由使徒性議會支持的教會。在這兩年的過渡期中,「道路教會」不但成功轉型,而且沒有失去一位成員。艾林將教會轉型的寶貴經驗,寫成一本可供研究的案例的書,名叫《使徒中心》(Apostolic Centers),它不但包含以使徒行傳為基礎的聖經理論,而且成為一套實用指南來幫助其他教會過渡。這本書已翻譯做好幾種語言,2018年初,孵化箱事工也將之翻譯成中文,成為華人教會的祝福。
Alain Caron serves as the apostolic team leader of Église Le Chemin, a dynamic expression of Christ’s body located in Quebec. He is also the founder and director of Hodos, an apostolic and prophetic network that connects and aligns like-minded ministries and believers toward the advancement of the kingdom of God. Alain and his wife, Marie, reside in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.
Since 2011 Alain started to transition a well-established traditional local church, Le Chemin, into a true apostolic center. He has supervised the change from the church being governed by a board of elders to which the pastor was accountable to one governed by an apostle supported by an apostolic council. Within a two-year period, Le Chemin was successfully transitioned into an apostolic center without losing one member in the process. Alain wrote a book as a case study entitled Apostolic Centers that would not only give the theory based on biblical truths from the Book of Acts but would also be a practical guide to help others in that transition. This book has been translated into several languages including Chinese which was translated and published by Incubator Ministries in early 2018.

德瑞克·施耐德是一位受人尊崇的講員、教練、作家和轉化專家。他熱心向牧者和領袖提供事工和教會增長的意見,他是「歷史創造者學院」(History Makers Academy)的主席,也是「歷史創造者協會」(History Makers Society)的創辦人;兩者都旨在培訓、裝備和差派人到社會各個領域發揮影響力。德瑞克獨特地結合了大能的使徒性和先知性領導力,更伴隨着神蹟奇事—在知識言語和醫治的領域上尤其突出。透過歷史創造者學院,他親眼見到數以百計的人被建立在他們的呼召上,成爲轉化社區和國家的催化劑。神正使用德瑞克來轉化各大洲的文化和教會,並相信今天的教會要負起復興和社會轉化的責任。他熱愛服侍牧者和領袖,幫助他們不僅發展教會,更在四面牆以外影響社會。即使你只聽他簡短的演講和研討會,也定必取得開啟即時果效的鑰匙而離開。
Derek is a requested speaker, trainer, author, and transformation specialist. He loves to advise Pastors and Leaders on Ministry and Church Growth. Derek is the president of the History Makers Academy and founder of the History Makers Society. Both of which are designed to train, equip and send out individuals to influence all spheres of society. Derek’s gift mix is a unique blend of strong apostolic and prophetic leadership, with signs and wonders following – especially in the area of word of knowledge and healing. Through the History Makers Academy, he has seen hundreds established in their calling, and become catalysts of transformation in their communities and nations. God is using Derek Schneider to transform culture, and the church, on several continents and believes that the church today is responsible for revival and societal transformation. He loves to serve Pastors and leaders, helping them to not only grow their church, but to have societal impact beyond the four walls. Even through his brief lectures and seminars, you are guaranteed to walk away with the keys required to get immediate results.

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