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Summary of the book The Rich Father and the Poor Father - what the rich and the poor and middle-class members do not teach their children about money!

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Why is the wealth of the rich multiplied? How do I make money work for me?What does financial intelligence and financial culture mean? What are the investment skills?

You will find the answers to the previous questions in the Summary of the book The Rich Father and the Poor Father - what the rich and the poor and middle-class members do not teach their children about money!

Author:Robert Toro Kiyosaki and Sharon Leatcher

"Study hard to get high grades and get into university, get a good job and have a good income," advice most of us have heard from our parents, and may even repeat it to our children's ears today, but... Is this advice still valid for our time? And is this the way to a really good material level? How do the poor and rich differ in what they teach their children about money? This is what we will know with this book.

Who is this book for?
For those who seek to increase their income and to get rich.
For those who want to acquire financial literacy and financial intelligence.
For those who want to teach their children about money better.
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