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This service includes two types of witchy practice: divination to get in touch with spirits and a spell made for you and your purpose.


You can choose ONLY one type of divination for each purchase

*Automatic writing*
This is a really intense practice for me which requires a lot of time and energy, for this reason, for each automatic writing I accept ONLY one question to ask for spirits/ancestors.
Try and be clear on what you would like to know, I can send to you the picture of the paper with all the answers but please keep in mind that most of my automatic writings are in my original language which is Italian so it will be up to you to translate what's written. (I'll be more than happy to help you translate it and understand everything in the best way possible).

For this practice I will use my Black Obsidian pendulum, in this case, you can ask more than one question (from 1 up to 6-7 questions). Keep in mind that the answers you can get from the pendulum are:

- YES / NO

Please take some time to think properly about the questions you would like to ask and take into consideration that you can have all the answers I listed above.

*All of the rituals above don't have the purpose of telling you what to do and by any means, I want to convince or lead you to make any decisions. This is purely for entertainment and I am not responsible for the outcome of each service*.
You will get a PNG (107KB) file