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Guide To Managing Unmet Expectations

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29 page digital guide dedicated to helping you understand, manage and resolve reacting poorly to unmet expectations. 


You’re not alone in feeling like your mind is on an incessant loop thinking about things that stress you out or frustrate you. Or reacting to someone (maybe your partner, kids or someone at work) where you immediately regret what you said (or how you said it). 

We all want to be better in these moments, but our impatience and frustration just gets the best of us.

Sometimes this compounds into unconscious patterns we can’t seem to get a handle on, where we keep reacting to certain people or situations with this same prickliness. Maybe you’re someone who can hardly remember a time when you weren’t on edge; a time where joy abounded and frustration (stress) had yet to enter your life. I believe a lot of people are experiencing this or at least some degree of it, which is why I wanted to create this guide. 

When you get caught in these unconscious patterns, it can begin to feel like you’re on edge all the time, where anything sets you off (or any resemblance of your particular “trigger” keeps setting you off). Like there’s a low simmering frustration constantly running in the background causing you to feel impatient with yourself and others.

You don’t understand why you keep reacting in ways you immediately regret. You want to change this, but you just don’t know how. You desire to be more loving, patient, less reactive, more understanding…you want things to get better.

You’re doing what you can to rectify the situation, but it keeps happening. You apologize all the time, but you don’t know how to stop doing the thing you’re continually apologizing for. Or maybe you don’t apologize, but it’s still eating you up inside, because you want things to be better.

Your nervous system is on edge. There’s no room for patience. No room for taking a breath, no space to feel calm…there’s no space to change what keeps occurring.

You don’t like who you are in these moments. 

You get down on yourself for reacting that way, but you don’t know how to stop the pattern of reactions…the feeling of impatience, frustration and general edginess from the frustration you feel. All of which kick-starts your inner critic and gets it looping in your awareness. 

You want to feel more power in your life…

Power to respond from feeling calm…power to understand what’s causing your reaction so you can do something about it…power to feel in control, instead of on edge….power to not control everything and everyone around you, because you finally feel at ease, peaceful and in your own power, without having to control or react badly to things.

You want to feel the power of feeling at peace inside yourself.

You desire a clear, uncluttered mind…one that can think about things you want to think about, instead of ruminating on the stressful, frustrating things that have you on edge.

You want to feel relaxed, not so wound up by the things that seem to always be occurring in your life that frustrate the heck out of you.

You want the time you spend with loved ones to be the best part of your day, not the most frustrating. 

You want to replace impatience with joy.

You’re over where things are and are ready to make a change, for the better.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! 

This guide is going to help you understand the root cause of your frustration, anger, resentment and bitterness and offer you solutions for addressing these feelings so you can claim the peace and personal power you desire.

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