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Declutter and Downsize Sentimental Belongings

Honor sentimental items without feeling burdened by them.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You would like to own less stuff or reduce the clutter in your house but have trouble letting go of items that bring back precious memories or feelings of nostalgia.
  • You're keeping things you don't love or need just because you feel guilty about getting rid of them.
  • You're storing items just so you can pass them down to the next generation, but you're not sure your kids or grandkids will want them.
  • You're moving to a smaller home and simply don't have room for everything, but hate the thought of having to part with your belongings.

If so, I can relate, because I faced these same emotions when my husband and I sold our home and downsized to an RV.

In this course, I'll share with you the tips, techniques, and mindset shifts that got me through this process.

What's Included in the Course:

  • The method I use to help break the emotional attachment to my belongings
  • Step-by-step instructions for sorting sentimental belongings
  • Ideas for using and repurposing sentimental items
  • What to do with items you've decided to get rid of (without having them end up in a landfill)
  • What to do with valuables and collectibles (besides dumping them at a thrift store)

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