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N/O by Ron Silliman

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by Ron Silliman

". . . a body of writing, that may be the most significant in Americanpoetry since the modernists."
- Hank Lazer

"He lives the most passionate life of the mind in America!He is a political poet par excellence. . . . Silliman is a poet I read tobreak through into new halls and colonnades of verbal richness that,before, I simply didn't know were sealed up behind these walls and deadends in the palace of art. His work must be studied, lived with. Itspleasures cannot be simply lapped up off its surfaces. But they are thesubtler, sharper, and more resonant for the time they take to taste."
- Samuel R. Delany

"Silliman has developed a shorthand method of getting it all down. Thereis something incredibly moving about his capacity and capability, hiswill and willfulness-his hunger to know and absorb-as he rants, records,juxtaposes, declares, riffs, puns, pans. . ."
- Tom Beckett

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