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5 day Zero in on your important Career Need

Dream Career? Uncover what you really want in 5 steps - guaranteed!


Your current job or career track is not providing you the satisfaction you crave

You stay awake at night wondering if you made the right career choice

You’re worried you’ll look back in 5 years’ time and regret your career decision or worse

Feel you missed the boat


You're in the right place.

Hi! I’m Vatsala Shukla. I believe we’re entitled to have a career that meets our needs & fulfils our aspirations.

It’s quite common to select a career path that works for us in the early stages of our career and then realize we want more or what made us happy earlier doesn’t anymore.


It’s more normal than you would think.

It’s called moving up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs where we shift from basic survival needs to security and finally to self-actualization. 

That move results in job changes and sometimes complete career changes to meet our needs.

The question is, do you know what you really need from your career?

Without that knowledge, you’ll drift between jobs and after an initial high of the new job, go back to feeling that something is missing.

I've got a solution...

Imagine how it would feel to.......

  • Understand what you really want and take charge of your career from a place of self-awareness.
  • Stop compromising your work life balance for the sake of your job and aspirations
  • Align your value system with your career requirements

By the end of the course, you’ll take the important first step to creating a career plan that takes into account both your aspirations and real needs that are non-negotiable.

This mini-course will help you work out whether it’s time for a career change or a job change and help you explore what exactly you want to change.

The best part is, you can return to the course again and again to assess where you are as your career progresses and your needs change.

Are you Ready to take the First Step? Let's do it now!

Think about it....

What's the cost of not taking action for you?

Take a stand for yourself!

because nobody else will

Your Career Needs Acknowledged


"Ms Shukla has been a great inspiratory for me in my grey days and in my uncertainties. She has all it takes to be the perfect motivator and guides you effortlessly to the sunshine. Really appreciate all the help she extended me and helped me turn around and open a new chapter."

Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay

Sometimes, we need that little extra encouragement to take action in the right direction

Here’s what I’m including because I care about your success and career goals.


I’m gifting you 2 Bonuses that will get you even better results.


BONUS #1 Career Change Tip Sheets

Tip Sheet 1 - 10 Tips when contemplating a Career Change

Tip Sheet 2 - How to Plan a Career Change

BONUS #2: Career Breakthrough Consultation


Post purchase, I will send you an email you used to make the investment in your skill development with an invitation to a 30 Minute Free Career Breakthrough Consultation. It’s a no-obligation opportunity to talk to me about the roadblocks in your career path and review your discoveries during the course.

You also get a Certificate of Completion when you take action!

Take Ownership of your Career and align it with your values, wants and needs

Your Career Needs Acknowledged


Sometimes it takes only a few right words from the right person to make the paradigm shift in your life - she certainly is the person with those magic words. 

Sangeeta Bosco

Course curriculum