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Online Business Health Check

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Once purchase is finalised I will be in touch with an online form asking you a few questions so I can do some research to see where you are at with your business, and HOW online it is at this stage. Then we will chat either online or in person and I will come up with a personalised plan for you to start working on. 

Getting your business active and keeping it active online does not have to be hard, you just need to show up, be yourself and along with your in-person networking, word of mouth, it all works together as a well-oiled machine and you watch, the right people you WANT will come to you and purchase your products or services. 

What your report will include:


  • Where are you at, what have you set up, what do you need to set up which is essential, keyword research for your business.
  • What is your message, your brand voice.
  • Who is your ideal customer, who wants your products and services.


  • Who is your competition in your industry and what are they doing.
  • What's going on in your industry - current trends.
  • Opportunities in your industry & any threats and how do we turn them around to benefit your business.


  • How are your customers finding you now, how can we make it better.
  • Choosing the right platforms for you and your business and creating a content plan.
  • What tactics do we need for each platform.
  • Once you have a new follower what is their journey to book your services or purchase from you. 

Customer Experience:

  • How can you look after your clients/customers once they choose you
  • What can we do to help you grow

I’ll send this strategy back to you with my ideas and a plan for you to implement. AND I am here to help further if you need help getting started, writing blog posts, making Canva templates etc - just ask and if I can’t do it, I have a network of professionals I work with who can help you if you just don’t want to do it yourself! 

The thing is, if you can - do it yourself, don’t overthink it because YOU are your business and with my easy-to-implement plan you can sit down and in a couple of hours a week you can set up a system to set and forget, to keep your social media active, to be ranking on google because you are being consistent, and to have a continual pipeline of clients and customers from your efforts - which in addition to your in-person networking just makes everything flow nicely and you’ve done it all yourself without having a mental breakdown!

You will get a PDF (2MB) file