Flying Blind by Bill Yarrow
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“Bill Yarrow’s poems in Flying Blind are little morsels of intrigue that hop off the page like jumping beans into your head. They will tickle your fancy, make you think, come to no conclusions, and yet remain as unforgettable mental whirligigs in your imagination.”
— Kath Abela Wilson, author of Figures of Humor and Strange Beauty
About the Author:
Bill Yarrow is the author of six full-length books of poetry and five poetry chapbooks. His poems have been published in Poetry International, Gargoyle, PANK, Contrary, Diagram, Thrush, Chiron Review, RHINO, and many other journals. His most recent book is WAKE ME WHEN THE NARCOLEPTICS ARRIVE from Cyberwit.net.
— Kath Abela Wilson, author of Figures of Humor and Strange Beauty
About the Author:
Bill Yarrow is the author of six full-length books of poetry and five poetry chapbooks. His poems have been published in Poetry International, Gargoyle, PANK, Contrary, Diagram, Thrush, Chiron Review, RHINO, and many other journals. His most recent book is WAKE ME WHEN THE NARCOLEPTICS ARRIVE from Cyberwit.net.