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The Audacity To Create A More Meaningful Life

Why create a more meaningful life?

Because... meaning makes life better.

It can make the lives of everyone around you better, too!

Meaning puts some color in your cheeks and a pep in your step.

It infuses everything you do with a real sense of purpose.

Would you like to feel more connected to your friends and family?

Would you like to feel that the work you do actually matters?

Meaning can do all that and more.

Story Plexus will show you how...

5 Signs Your Life Lacks Meaning :

  • You spend a significant amount of time doom scrolling on social media. 
  • You feel stuck.
  • Friends and family seem to be moving on without you.
  • Things that used to bring you joy no longer do.
  • You feel disconnected, detached or like your life lacks purpose.

If you identify with one or more of these signs, you may be experiencing what is known as "a crisis of meaning", and you're not alone. 

Many people are struggling with this right now, as the world seems to be changing at such a rate that it can sometimes feel overwhelming or impossible to keep up.

You are not wrong to feel that way.

And you are not broken.

Your needs are not being met.

Did you know that meaning is a need?

It's essential.

And it's not that hard to create. 

In fact, it can be quite fun! 

You are allowed to have fun.

You are meant to enjoy this life.

Why do so many grown people not know this?

And why do some folks try to dismiss or mock the ones who do?

Because they're scared.

They're scared to be free, and they're scared of the responsibility that comes along with that.

They think their fear keeps them safe, when what it really does is keep them from enjoying the audacious life they were born to create.

Yes - life can be hard, but there's meaning to be found in that, too.

Meaning not only makes the tough stuff bearable, it gives your life purpose.

What is Story Plexus?

A Guided Journey : 6 Weeks To Transform The Story Of Your Life.

By the end of our time together, you will...

  • have the audacity to live life on your own terms and with a greater sense of purpose.
  • feel confident in your ability to turn every challenge into a meaningful opportunity.
  • know how to connect more deeply to the people, places and projects you love.

*You can start immediately upon signing up!

Each week's material will be delivered in two parts, comprised of a unique mix of audio, text, graphics and/or video tutorials...

  • Week One - Worldbuilding : The Matrix Of Meaning
  • Week Two - Character Development : Audacious Leaps Of Creation
  • Week Three - Supporting Cast : A Healing Re-enchantment
  • Week Four - Secret Doors : The Wonder Of Curiosity
  • Week Five - Haunted Shadows : Tales From The Other Side
  • Week Six - The Big Bang : Crafting A Personal Cosmology

Are you ready to begin? Choose your plan...

Story Plexus : Paid In Full


Story Plexus : Payment Plan

per month for 3 months

Testimonials :

"Story Plexus is the most unique and thought-provoking personal development program I’ve ever taken. It’s been a wonderful reminder of the power we have to shape our own experience of life. Joanna’s offerings are always inspiring and uplifting, and this is no exception. Story Plexus urges us to take an active role in crafting our own stories and, ultimately, to live richer, more meaningful lives." -Jennifer (Chicago, IL)

"This is a great program for anyone wanting to explore their lives more deeply, whether they are currently enjoying what's happening in their life or if there are challenges they are facing. The meditations and journal prompts are great. The program has been fun, uplifting, and inspiring." -Amy (Boston, MA)

"Story Plexus helped me to reframe stories I held about myself and to see my life through a more compassionate lens." -Phoebe (Carroll County, MD)