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10 Most Common online scams exists today & How To Spot Them

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What type of online scam exist today ? Online scams are schemes that use the internet to

deceive or defraud unsuspecting victims. Online scams can take many forms, such as phishing,

identity theft, credit card fraud, auction fraud, and more.

Online scams can target anyone, regardless of age, background, or location. Scammers

use various techniques to trick you into giving them your personal or financial information, or

sending them money.

They may pretend to be someone you know or trust, such as a government official, a

charity, or a business. They may also offer you a prize, a reward, or a solution to a problem. They

may pressure you to act quickly, or threaten you with consequences if you don't. They may also

ask you to pay in a specific way, such as using cryptocurrency, wire transfer, payment app, or gift

card. If you fall for an online scam, you could lose your money, your identity, or even your life.

So how can you spot and avoid online scams? Here are some of the common online

scams that exist today, how to avoid being scammed and how to protect yourself from them.

This e-book contains information about

Scam 1: Phishing

Scam 2: Identity theft.           

Scam 3: Credit card fraud

Scam 4 : Online Shopping Scams 

Scam 5 : Romance Scams

Scam 6 : Investment & Ponzi Schemes

Scam 7 : Impersonation Scams

Scam 8 : Job And Employment Scams

Scam 9 : Ransomware Attacks

Scam 10 : Social Media Scams 

How To Protect Your Bank Account From Being Hacked

How To Protect Your Phone From Being Hacked

How To Protect Your Home Wireless Network

How To Protect Your Privacy When Online

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