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1 review


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1 review
Further add-on version of Litex's famous Kosovo map with improved terrain, improvements to Airfield and Lighting. Kosovo has been the heart of tensions within the Balkans for the past 30 years, and what better map to roleplay that then this map!

- ACS Installed

- Map Size 8,000 by 8,000
- Airfield
- Checkpoints
- Multiple Forward Operating Bases
- Huge Mountains
- Rigid Terrain
- Rich Forests
- Handmade Terrain

Includes custom lighting to match the area.

Buying does not include re-sell perms, this map is for use in a game and may be used to create a milsim terrain or naval combat.
You will get a RBXL (13MB) file

Customer Reviews


1 year ago

Overall really good

Map is really good for use for military training against fake enemies. Wouldn't use for an actual FoB however. Map was a bit too foggy to really use to a great extent, but the forest and hills provide great training simulation grounds.