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Protection Magick - Magickal Self-Defence Course - DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

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Many of us would consider ourselves to have very simple, straightforward lives with little in the way of trouble; making us question the need for protection magick. The truth is, we are energetic beings and the world is not an easy place.


Protection Magick - Magickal Self-Defence is a comprehensive course aimed at those who would like to understand protective magick better; would like to bring a little protective magick into their lives; or would like to deepen their knowledge on the subject further.


The course consists of 9 modules over 328 pages that help the practitioner apply psychic self-defence to every part of their daily lives by exploring magickal theory via 33 spells, rituals and activities; and over 3,240 magickal correspondences. At the end of each module suggested reading, exercises and reflective questions can be found.


This course is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD only. It consists of 9 A4 sized PDFs which can be printed by the Student. At the end of each module are the module exercises, which do not have to be taken to complete the course. As this is a digital download no physical item will be sent out.

ALSO AVAILABLE: This course is also available as a physical item.


Gain support from Wren while you undertake this course (email: and enjoy the benefit of her many years of Witchcraft experience, expressed through this course.




Module 0 - Course Introduction

How best to use this course, reading materials, assessment etc.


Module 1 - Magickal Protection

This chapter looks at protection magick as a whole; what it is, and why it is needed. Hexes and curses are examined in greater detail; and what you should do if you come under attack. The psychology of magick, different forms of protective magick, and using energy for protection are all covered in this module.


Module 2 - Personal Protection

Protection of the individual is covered comprehensively in this chapter. You will learn how psychic defence can easily be added into your daily routines, and the ways in which this can be done. You will learn what evil is and who psychic vampires are, and how to deal with (and return) a hex or curse. The Evil Eye and apotropaic magick are covered in detail, as is the practical and magickal steps that should be taken when dealing with psychic vampires.


Module 3 - Protecting House & Home

Our homes are important places, which is why there is a whole section dedicated to protecting them. You will learn about house blessings, protective spells, cleansing, and using colour and decoration to protect a building and its occupants. You will discover some of the plants we can use for protection; plus deities, crystals, foods and connecting with the land your home is built upon.


Module 4 - Psychic Defence Outside the Home

This module covers all the practicalities of being outside the home; for example the transference of energy in large crowds; and keeping safe whilst travelling or at work. This module will teach you some of the different methods you can employ; including protecting pets and loved ones, and working magick with children.


Module 5 - Protective Sigils, Seals & Symbols

After defining and understanding what signs, sigils, seals and symbols are, you will learn how to use them in your protective magick. You will learn about popular protective symbols and how vastly they can be applied. Later there is a chapter on amulets, charms and talismans; and you will learn how to choose and charge them successfully. It this chapter you will also explore runes and learn about sigils; how they are created, and how they should and should not be used.


Module 6 - Using Crystals for Protection

Whilst protective crystals are mentioned consistently throughout this course; this module is an opportunity to look at them in greater depth. You will learn what they are and how they work before applying them to protective magick. As always, helpful magickal correspondences and spells are provided throughout, including two crystal grids for protection.


Module 7 - More Protective Correspondences

This section looks at herbs, plants, flowers, plant allies, altar decorations, essential oils, astrology, colour, glamour magick, ritual clothing and jewellery, candle magick, spell materials, home and temple décor and more; basically all the protective magickal correspondences that are not found elsewhere in this course.


Module 8 - Protective Connections

In this module you will move away from protective items and objects, and look more closely at the relationships that can offer protection; gods, guides and guardians that can be called upon for help, including ancestors, gods and goddesses, elemental beings and spirits. You will learn about the different types, how to call upon them, and how to know when they are reaching out via signs, dreams and synchronicities. You will also learn the red flags of contact so that you can safely discern that you are working with the right entities.


Module 9 - Protective Witchcraft

In this final module you will understand what magick is and how to use it, so that you may apply the other chapters of this course successfully. You will learn about the ethics of spellcasting and examine the Boomerang Effect and Threefold Law; so that you may create and perform magick thoroughly and carefully. You will read about protective practices, such as banishing and binding, and the spiritual cognitive journeys you can take that can help you in your quest for security and safety.


PLEASE NOTE: The material contained in this course is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. It may NOT be shared, sold, altered or distributed in any way; in either digital or paper format.

© Copyright - The Cemetery Witch - Wren Harris 2024


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