-2019.4.29f1 Version
- Fullbody ready and tested
- Dissolve Toggles
- 3.0 Avatar
- Dynamic bones + colliders setup
- Dynamic Penetration System setup
- Particle Effects for Cigarette
- Facial gestures
- Toggleable Clothing
- Pants, Skinshirt, Boxers, Shoes, Chestrig
- Toggleable Accessoires
- Bandana, Visor, Hairbangs (Left/Right), Chain, Jewelery, Harness, Nails, Elfears, Cigarette, Mask
Face by Pandabear
Blindfold by berryvee
Aviatorglasses by RobVR
Chain by Cattie
Elfears by Eliza
Facemask by ArturVR
Harness by NippNipp
Jacket by Wen
Cuban chain links by MDG
Diamond Ring by Jellybean
Pants, Chestrig and Visor by Kaycee
Shoes by PokerBlunders
Hair (Mid section) by Strelizias
Crystalshader by UNIUNI
Smoke Particle System by Juinamza
Body + Face Material (Nitro Asset) by Wylo
Base by Rastifan and Dollymolly323 on Deviantart | edited by me
Rules (TOS)
- Dont resell the Avatar or claim it as your own
- No re-distribution of the package
- No public uploads in any form
- Do not redistribute any files from within the package
- Do not reuse assets / textures or edits from within the package
- No-refunds
- You can use it for streaming