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My Own Worst Enemy - a success guide disguised as a memoir

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The secret to success isn't fake it til you make it.

That's living a lie.

There is no secret.

It takes luck, timing and work.

Not always hard work, but smart work.  And the key to it is, the more you work at it, the more luck you will have.

So success isn't a destination.

It's really just how you choose to live your life day to day.

Success is the journey.

Learn to love the journey and you can't help but be successful in everything you do.

It doesn't mean you will be good at everything you do though. It means that if you love learning, or learn to love learning, if you learn to love experimenting and trying new things, and gain pleasure from the experience, then success will follow.

No matter how you define it.

This guide can help. It's disguised as a memor, talking about my experiences as a business owner, as an author, as a growing media agency.

You can find lessons in this book that will help you on your journey.  It doesn't provide all the steps needed, because your path to success may look different.

It does show you how to recognize some of the milestones, how to measure, and how to determine what to measure.

It might make you smile. It might make you remember.

If it does either of those things, then it is a success.

Best of all, it can help you define what you want and how to get it.

And that's the most important first step of all.

Grab your copy today and get started.
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