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Modern Dating the Filipino Way

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In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven life, everything is done at our fingertips. Technological advancement has brought changes into our social life, significantly changing our way of living.

One of these changes is the dating practices among young Filipinos, shifting from traditional to modern. Inherent in the modern Filipino dating is the utilization of modern communication devices such as smartphones, laptops, computers and other modern devices. 

In contrast, traditional dating was a long, laborious process. A Filipino suitor had to possess patience, persistence and determination to be able to succeed before he could hear the sweet word “Yes”right straight from the woman’s mouth. 

In traditional courtship, a Filipino man also has to undergo and pass courtship tests under close supervision of the woman’s parents, siblings and close friends. 

Writing a love letter, rendering service to a woman’s family, utilizing the bridge “ mutual friend” of the man and the woman during the initial stage of courtship, serenading at a woman’s house and reciting spoken poetry in front of women are just some of the popular traditional courtship practices. 

But what is surprising in modern dating is the assumption of new roles and shared responsibilities of the new generation of Filipino women with Filipino men.

The assumption of these new roles and responsibilities are testament to the Filipinas' sophisticated and empowering personality. Back then, Filipino women were perceived as demure, reserved and shy in a stark contrast to 21st century Filipinas who are sophisticated, liberal, independent and decisive. How do these aforesaid virtues apply in modern dating?

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