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Your Guidance of the Universe

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If you are interested in understanding the secret of your existence on this earth, this book is perfect for you. For the first time, it proves that we have come into this life to demonstrate our eligibility to join the Heavenly Advisory Council by developing ourselves morally and scientifically. After joining, our Lord implements the decisions issued by the Council through the consensus of the voters. Since Allah resets the universe to its beginning every time it reaches its peak maturity, the number of members of the Advisory Council increases with each cosmic cycle, and their decisions shape the general guidelines of cosmic policy. You are even a candidate for Allah to make you a lord of one of the countless universes. Allah is the Absolute, unlike anything, while our current Lord is a created being working under the administration of Allah, the Exalted. All of the above is derived from hundreds of Quranic verses distributed throughout this book and other works by the author.

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