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Bakhmut, like many other cities in eastern Ukraine, has been affected by the ongoing conflict between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists since 2014. The city is located in close proximity to the front lines, and as a result, has experienced shelling and other forms of violence.

In 2014, separatists took control of Bakhmut and renamed it to Artemivsk, but Ukrainian forces retook the city in July 2014. Since then, the city has been relatively stable, but occasional clashes between Ukrainian forces and separatist fighters have occurred.

The conflict has had a significant impact on the city's economy and infrastructure. Many businesses have closed, and the city's infrastructure has been damaged by shelling and other forms of violence. The conflict has also caused significant displacement, with many residents forced to flee their homes and seek shelter elsewhere.

Despite these challenges, the people of Bakhmut have shown resilience and continue to rebuild their lives. The city's local government has worked to provide assistance to those affected by the conflict and has implemented measures to improve the city's infrastructure and economy.

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