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Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor

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Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor

Introduction to Real
Estate Financing
Knowledge is power.
—Francis Bacon
In 1991, I made my first attempt at financing an investment prop-
erty through creative means. With a lot of guts and a little knowledge,
I made an offer that was accepted by the seller. I tendered $1,000 as
earnest money on the sales contract, then proceeded to try to make
the deal work. I failed, lost my $1,000, but I learned an important les-
son—a little knowledge can be dangerous. I decided then to become a
master at real estate finance.
Financing has traditionally been, and will always be, an integral
part of the purchase and sale of real estate. Few people have the funds
to purchase properties for all cash, and those that do rarely sink all of
their money in one place. Even institutional and corporate buyers of
real estate use borrowed money to buy real estate.
This book explains how to utilize real estate financing in the
most effective and profitable way possible. Mostly, this book focuses
on acquisition techniques for investors, but these techniques are also
applicable to potential homeowners
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