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Watecoloured Scan Doodled Floral Corner1 with Butterflies COL SET

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I thought I would add an alternative coloured version of Doodled Floral Corner 1.  I hand watercoloured the cardfront and added butterflies from  Doodled Flower Trio Digi Set ( precoloured butterflies can also be found in Doodled Flowers & Butterflies SINGLES Pre-Coloured SET )

In this download, there is a SCAN of the original watercoloured cardfront. I used this to make the sample cards.  I have added 2 pre-coloured butterflies similar to the ones shown in the sample cards and 2  "digitally watercoloured" backgrounds similar to the samples as well.  

-includes one floral square cardfront ( JPG ) 2 butterflies (JPG and PNG), 2 backgrounds ( JPG), and 2 ready-to-print sheets.  Click PREVIEW to see the sheets.



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