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The Wholeness Action Plan (Print Book)

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Have you become broken due to a situation that came into your life out of the blue that flipped your world upside down? Do you find yourself going through one trial and test after the other despite your commitment to do things the right way? Have you become confused or angry with God due to the pain of life circumstance? You are not alone. Every genuine believer goes through similar places of confusion and brokenness. Sometimes the brokenness is due to our own doings, and other times, it is because God has us in process because he is promoting us. The good thing is God does not abandon us to a life of brokenness. Instead, he posts himself up to us even closer to get to us the right perspectives of his heart and mind toward us that makes us whole. There is something so precious about a father who looks out for his children. This is what God has done in Russelyn's life when she questioned God and was tempted to give in to settling into a life of brokenness.