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Viable Map Modelling Workshop

Learning how to diagnose your Management Model and design one that works better for your business.

The Viable Mapping Methodology

In the past the model that companies have used to manage their business has either been copied by rote from text books or made up 'on the fly' without consideration of the consequences or the alternatives.

For the first time the Viable Mapping Methodology provides a coherent, comprehensive methodology to help orgsantions to consciously design their futures.

This workshop is facilitated by one of the co-authors of the Viable Map Workbook and tailored to the specific needs of your organisation.

Contact me for more detail and prices.

The Viable Map

The Viable Map is the basis for a methodology that helps you describe, discuss and diagnose your existing model and design a better one.

The workshop is based on the content found in the Variable Map Workbook.

Choose a pricing plan

Price on Application


Workshop Structure

The workshop normally has the following elements:

  1. Understanding the concepts
  2. Modelling contextual variables
  3. Modelling process principles
  4. Modelling leadership principles
  5. Diagnosing the current model
  6. Designing a new model
  7. Planning for change

It is involves 5-20 people, normally in a highly interactive face to face environment over one to two days.