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How Songs Work Understanding Chord Progressions On The Ukulele

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An invaluable resource for ukulele players who want to free themselves from the song book, jam with others, work out songs by ear, or write their own songs. As well as explaining the theory behind common chord progressions, it shows you the songs that use them and includes charts and diagrams so you can play them in any key. If you're starting to tire of reading the chords to every song you play, and wish you could join in with a jam but don't know the songs, this is the book for you!

"How Songs Work is the perfect book for ukulele players wanting to move well beyond the “hum and strum” level of musical understanding​" Jim D'Ville, Ukulele Magazine (

You will receive a 74 page 24MB pdf copy of the book. If you would prefer a physical copy, they can be purchased from World of Ukes, here

You will get a PDF (24MB) file