Mój Cyrk, Moje Małpy Hat
The fun Polish idiom “nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy” (pronounced “nyeh moy TSEERK, nyeh MOY-a MAW-pee”) is a great way to describe something that doesn’t involve you. But sometimes that is your circus and those are your monkeys, making the phrase appropriate for a reversible stitch pattern that looks great on either side. A matching cowl (My Circus, My Monkeys) is also available. The pattern is worked in the round with a combination of knits, purls, and 2-stitch twists. The stitch pattern is provided in written and charted form.
Skills: Following a stitch pattern, working in the round, twisting stitches. Skill level: adventurous intermediate.
Photos show hat and matching cowl knit in Cascade 220 Superwash in color 844 (periwinkle) and color 885 (In the Navy).