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Immune System 8: Boost Your Immune System Naturally

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What do you want out of life?

Some people want to be rich, while others want to be famous. Some people just want to live a simple life with a house, secure job, and a family. You can have it all but if you don’t have your health, it means nothing.

Welcome to Immune System 8: Boost Your Immune System Naturally. This book covers eight different areas that affect your immune system. These chapters will help you understand why it is important to exercise, sleep, and eat healthy. The immune system is a line of defense that defends the body from infectious, disease-causing organism. When your immune system is functioning normal, your body can fight off colds, bacteria, and viruses.

This book will feature these following chapters:

  • Food and nutrition
  • Recipes for immune boosting meals
  • Exercise
  • Two week beginner weight training program
  • The digestive system 
  • Vitamins 
  • Minerals
  • Stress
  • Herbs
  • Sleep

With viruses and colds becoming stronger, it is up to you to keep yourself healthy. Learn how to keep your immune system strong through purchasing this 61 PDF book today!

Meet the Author:

Paul Nam was born in 1978 and has been a personal trainer for over 21 years. He started bodybuilding at the age of 18 and became the Junior Mackenzie Bodybuilding Champion at 19. He has since competed in over 25 bodybuilding, fitness, and martial arts competitions.

He has trained in Olympic style boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay thai, and wrestling, and holds a red belt in taekwondo.

Paul owns a fitness studio(TheWorkoutLoft), writes books, build mobile apps and fitness products.

For more works by this author, please visit:

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