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Under Ice

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A flowing river never fully freezes. There might be ice from bank to bank in very cold weather, but the thickness of the ice is uncertain, eroded from below by turbulent waters. Every day the pattern of ice and open water changes, and the edges are broken as the water levels below rise and fall.

This stole shaped shawl mimics the changeable nature of river ice and the water flowing beneath. With five variations to choose from, the pattern itself is changeable according to the desire of the knitter. Whether a solid design or broken into floating sections, though, there are some things that remain unchanged, like the undulating shape of the river banks and the endless fall of water over a precipice.


This pattern is fully written and fully charted.

Materials Needed:

- 4mm (US 6) needles or size needed for a pleasing fabric

- @870 yards of sport weight yarn

- Cable needle

- Darning needle to weave in ends

Optional Materials:

- Stitch markers to mark off edges of cable patterning

- Stitch marker to mark middle of row

Gauge: 20 sts x 24 rows = @10cm (4”)

The gauge given is measured over stocking stitch after blocking. Note that I do not consider gauge to be important for a shawl, as an exact fit is not required. Instead, achieve a fabric that pleases you, noting that if your gauge is larger than suggested, you will likely use more yarn.

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